XM Frontend assignment

Sample automation project

Test Automation Framework based on:

  • Java
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • TestNG
  • Maven

Detailed documentation about classes and methods can be found in Javadoc folder. Please feel free to access index.html file in Javadoc folder for more information.


  • Java > 1.8 or newer
  • Maven (latest)
  • Chrome browser (120.0.6099.129 or newer)

To run tests:

  • right click on suite.xml (for the entire suite);
  • right click on each test class in testSuite package;
  • command line : open a terminal in the project root and type: mvn clean test / mvn clean build

Assignment requirements:

Automate next use case to run in three different browser’s screen resolution:

  • Maximum (supported by your display)
  • 1024 x 768
  • 800 x 600

img.png1. Open Home page (make any check here if needed).

img.png2. Click the Research and Education link located at the top menu (make any check here if needed).

img.png3. Click Economic Calendar link in the opened menu (make any check here if needed).

img.png4. Select Today on Slider and check that the date is correct.

img.png5. Select Tomorrow on Slider and check that the date is correct.

img.png6. Select Next Week on Slider and check that the date is correct.

img.png7. Click Educational Videos link under Research and Education

img.png8. Click the Lesson 1.1 “Introduction to the Financial Markets.”

img.png9. Educational video should play for a minimum of 5 seconds

How the project may be improved:

  • Adding support for CI/CD (switching browser to headless mode)
  • Adding support for parallelization (WebDriver => ThreadLocal)
  • Externalize various parameters (time to wait, etc.)
  • Using Cucumber/Serenity for better scenarios visibility