
A re-analysis of Bangladesh mask RCT data

Primary LanguageStata

A re-analysis of Bangladesh mask RCT data

This repository contains the code to re-analyse the Bangladesh mask RCT (https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abi9069) data. In particular we are interested in how different modelling approaches affect the results presented in Table 2 in the paper.

Preparing the data

Go to https://gitlab.com/emily-crawford/bd-mask-rct which contains the raw data and code supplied by the authors. Download the files and follow the instructions there. Run the following commands to genearte necessary data for Table 2 in the paper:

do main.do table1
do main.do table2

Note do main.do table1 must not be skipped as otherwise the generated data may be different.

After successfully generating the data, run the code in mycodes_github.do in this repository. You could either open the file and click "Execute (do)" or type do mycodes_github.do in the command window. Most of the commands in the .do file were from the study authors' shared code ("03a_reg_symp_sero.do") including the steps for futher data clean. Authors' original model specificaitons were kept (lines starting with 'glm') as comments. The data was re-analysed using random-effects Poisson models ('xtpoisson' commands) and results are to be compared with Table 2 in the paper.

The final results will be displayed in the Results window in Stata (exponentiated coefficients which indicate risk ratios and their p-values). Optionally, if you have installed estout package (to install type "ssc install estout" in command window), a HTML document containing the results will be generated.


Symptomatic Seroprevalence with Poisson random-effects models

Pooled with bc Pooled w.o. bc By mask type with bc By mask type w.o. bc
treatment 0.910 0.908
[0.327,2.532] [0.682,1.210]
proper_mask_base 10.706 10.817
[0.000,3.5e+12] [0.000,5.3e+11]
prop_resp_ill_base_2 0.299 0.291
[0.000,1.1e+47] [0.000,2.1e+46]
treat_surg 0.896 0.900
[0.118,6.791] [0.424,1.912]
treat_cloth 0.943 0.927
[0.229,3.892] [0.363,2.365]
_cons 0.003*** 0.003*** 0.003*** 0.003***
[0.001,0.007] [0.001,0.011] [0.001,0.012] [0.001,0.009]
lnalpha 0.008 0.018 0.008 0.018
[0.000,.] [0.000,.] [0.000,.] [0.000,.]
N 287351 287351 287351 287351

Exponentiated coefficients; 95% confidence intervals in brackets
bc: baseline control; results for pairID not displayed
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001