Excelsior JET Maven Plugin provides Maven users with an easy way to compile their applications down to optimized native Windows, OS X, or Linux executables with Excelsior JET
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Main website SSL broken
#99 opened by polotto - 8
Global compilation cache
#15 opened by galvanopus - 3
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Option for incremental building
#14 opened by galvanopus - 0
- 0
Provide a parameter to name resulting artifacts independently from <artifactName>
#85 opened by pjBooms - 0
Provide a parameter to change "Default Program Folder" for excelsior-installer packaging
#86 opened by pjBooms - 0
Provide a plugin parameter to not create default shortcuts (for the Uninstaller) for excelsior-installer packaging
#84 opened by pjBooms - 5
Do not fork own maven lifecycle
#82 opened by lbeuster - 0
Refactor plugin in order to RunMojo/StopMojo/CleanMojo not extending AbstarctBuildMojo
#83 opened by pjBooms - 16
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- 4
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testRunTimeout may end with "[ERROR] Failed to stop the application. Was it run by the Excelsior JET Maven plugin?"
#78 opened by pjBooms - 0
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Enabling shortcuts in maven POM
#73 opened by cx-rp - 4
- 1
- 0
JET message file broken: key = JetBuildTask.RTSettingDeprecated.Warning on attempt to use deprecated setting
#68 opened by pjBooms - 4
NPE in Build
#66 opened by Exerosis - 0
- 0
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Ability for using wildcards in dependencies
#41 opened by fly-georg - 0
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The packageFiles option does not copy files to the build folder, only to the app folder
#57 opened by dmitriyyavorskiy - 2
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Problem with splash image
#55 opened by Aurusd - 1
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- 1
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Issues with buildnumber-maven-plugin
#49 opened - 1
Test run doesn't work on Tomcat 7.0.62
#42 opened by xappymah - 6
Service creation
#25 opened by dmitriyyavorskiy - 6
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Adding optimization presets
#29 opened by dmitriyyavorskiy - 0
isLib detection broken
#38 opened by d-r-q - 2
Destination folder
#30 opened by dmitriyyavorskiy - 1
Webkit not included
#27 opened by dmitriyyavorskiy - 3
Ability to set system property
#20 opened by galvanopus - 3
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Keep separate jc/xpack logs
#23 opened by dleskov - 3
Ability to create trial app
#19 opened by galvanopus - 9
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Cannot find jar if classifier is used
#10 opened by galvanopus - 2