Poker Game

The world's simplest poker.


This game can be played with 2 or more players. Immediately after the cards are dealt, the player with the highest hand wins!


  • Clone this repo
$ git clone
$ cd poker_game
  • Install dependencies with Bundle (if you have not already)
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
  • Make sure dependencies are up to date
$ bundle update
  • Run application
$ ruby './lib/poker_game.rb'

Program should output like this

poker game


  • Ruby v2.4.0
  • RSpec v3.6.0 (Testing framework)


  • Planning: Focusing on agile and Object Orientated Design, I broke down the specification into smaller issues to write user stories. Domain modelling enabled me to identify 'noun' and 'verb' relationships. Diagramming aided in visualising my thought process.

  • Test Driven Development: TDD ensured I made logical design decisions and allowed me to identify bugs to be solved quickly. I was not able to test for everything i.e. PokerGame#play however this is something I would like to be worked on in the future.

rspec screenshot All tests pass!

  • Refactoring: Refactoring as I went along to ensure that my code was as clean as possible. There are still a couple things I would like to work on such as SRP with the classes and methods.

MVP User Stories

As a player
So that I can play poker
I want to input how many players there are
As a player
So that the deck of cards are randomised
I want the cards to be shuffled
As a player
So that I can start playing poker
I want each player to be dealt five cards
As a player
So that a winner can be declared
I want to calculate the score for each hand
As a player
So that the score for each hand is calculated
I want to sum the face value of each hand
As a player
So that I know who the winner is
I want the program to output which player has won
As a player
So that the game can be played correctly
I want the game to start only when a valid number of players is inputted (2 - 5)

Bonus features User Stories

If I had more time, I would have focused on adding more features according to the bonus features user stories below.

As a player
So that the user interface can be interactive
I want to input variables and have each player's hand and value displayed
As a player
So that I can view my hand in order after dealing
I want it to be sorted using card suit followed by value
As a player
So that bonus points can be given for each pair
I want to score 10 points
As a player
So that bonus points can be given for each three of a kind
I want to score 20 points
As a player
So that bonus points can be given for each straight
I want to score 40 points
As a player
So that a winner can be determined in a tie-breaker
I want to use Hearts suit