- 4
- 3
Omit `config.action_mailer.default_url_options` in next release of Rails
#211 opened by stevepolitodesign - 1
- 3
bin/dev does not exist
#209 opened by edi9999 - 0
How to broadcast without logged in user
#207 opened by zben - 4
Apply template to existing Projects
#157 opened by gathuku - 0
Error: Can't find stylesheet to import
#201 opened by famlyman - 0
Pretender button in MADMIN
#187 opened by custombusinesssystems - 3
Rails 6.1 errors
#198 opened by eclectic-coding - 0
- 2
Various errors with a new project
#197 opened by randomsnowflake - 3
NameError in Madmin::Users#new
#180 opened by sabettaconsulting - 1
Error updating avatar
#196 opened by PabloC - 0
- 5
- 2
- 11
Rails app failing on rails s
#184 opened by custombusinesssystems - 1
- 9
- 7
- 7
- 1
Delete button on scaffold not deleting records
#163 opened by spacerobotTR - 0
Vips::Error - Missing resize option
#167 opened by ashwin47 - 0
Cannot sign out
#165 opened by ashwin47 - 5
bin/dev failing for a new rails app
#162 opened by giuseb - 9
- 0
Devise changed from `master` to `main`
#155 opened by dhairyagabha - 12
New Install: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "active_storage_attachments" does not exist
#142 opened by bmx269 - 0
Switch to jsbundling-rails
#145 opened by excid3 - 0
Switch to cssbundling-rails
#146 opened by excid3 - 1
Switch Masquerade to Pretender
#147 opened by excid3 - 2
Rails 7 Installation fails during Devise install
#148 opened by brycetelfer - 0
Requires Ruby 2.7 or higher when using madmin
#144 opened by james-ennis - 0
`form_with` with `html: { method: :put }` submits POST request instead of PUT
#140 opened by liudmyla-schastlyvets - 2
Vue compiler sfc
#138 opened by apaciuk - 3
Readme update
#134 opened by friendlyantz - 2
Test failing due order of arguments
#136 opened by fig - 0
and speaking of undocumented dependencies... when try to upload avatar, "MiniMagick::Error (You must have ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick installed)"
#130 opened by jpwynn - 0
And this, THIS is why you probably ought to provide a docker-based development experience
#129 opened by jpwynn - 0
- 2
No /admin route even after setting user admin=true
#131 opened by jpwynn - 2
Jumpstart and Reflex Issues
#127 opened by eclectic-coding - 5
NameError in Admin::Users#new
#121 opened by githubble01 - 3
Add Bootstrap5
#116 opened by stevenbuccini - 2
- 8
Error when editing user (new install): uninitialized constant AvatarAttachmentDashboard
#111 opened by katzgrau - 4
- 3
AvatarAttachmentDashboard error on clean app
#108 opened by davidlowry - 1
Rubocop clashes with definition of class
#109 opened by martinstreicher - 4