
router_generator is a flutter library for router generation.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

router_generator is a flutter library for router generation.

pub package


 router_generator: ^0.1.2


import 'package:router_generator/router_generator.dart';

mark page

class ThirdPage extends StatefulWidget {

Mark the page widget with Router annotation,provide the page name as key.

mark argumengs

class ThirdPageState extends State<ThirdPage> {
 @RouterParam(required: true)
 Person person;
 @RouterParam(key: 'set_key')
 bool setKey = false;
 Map<String, int> map;

Annotated the state needs dependencies with inject.Add arguments in state directly, and annotated them with RouterParamRouterParam has two args:

  • key: The key of the param, use the field name instead if not provided
  • required:If true, the arguments from route must contains this param If neither params needed,userouterParam is recommended. From the example above,every types in dart are supported, including custom type

code generation

This library builds on top of source_gen, so you can run the command:flutter packages pub run build_runner build, refer to build_runner for more detail. Generated dart files including:

  • A $root_file.router_table.dart, has a list of page names and a method for creating widget by page name,root_file is the router table file's prefix.
  • several $page.inject.dart,the page is your file that contains the marked state, like foo.dart to foo.inject.dart main.dart is the default root file of router_tablefile, it can be configured in build.yaml:
          router_table_root_file: "router.dart"

Use it 


  onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
    String pageName = settings.name;
    var arguments = settings.arguments;
    if (arguments is Map<String, dynamic>) {
      deliverParams(pageName, arguments);
    return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) {
      return getWidgetByPageName(pageName);

In the onGenerateRoute , call $root_file.router_table.dart's getWidgetByPageName,get the page widget,and use deliverParams() to deliver params. For the embedding App:

onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
    String route = settings.name;
    Uri uri = Uri.parse(route);
    var pageName = uri.path.replaceFirst(RegExp('/'), '');
    lastRouteParams = uri.queryParameters;
    return PageRouteBuilder(pageBuilder: (BuildContext context,
        Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) {
      return getWidgetByPageName(pageName);

The params in URI, Map<String, String> is supported, no needs for extra transform.

dependency injection

In the state needs dependencies, import the corresponding inject file, and inject before use them:

void initState() {

pass argumens

 arguments: {'name': 'bar', 'count': 666});

You can create the arguments by hand,but the method in inject file is better

 arguments: createRouteArgs(name: 'bar', count: 666));