Pinned issues
- 4
Request: prerelease build for .NET 9
#97 opened by nwoolls - 3
Entry point file 'Excubo.WebCompiler.dll' for command 'webcompiler' was not found in the package
#96 opened by jHabjanMXP - 3
WebCompiler does not work with dotnet watch anymore if using .NET 8 SDK
#95 opened by JustusGreiberORGADATA - 2
[Q] Bundling?
#83 opened by lonix1 - 4
Re-Compile on save with changes in csproj instead of manually running dotnet watch in a seperate terminal
#90 opened by shv07 - 2
Size of NuGet package / .NET Tool
#89 opened by nwoolls - 4
Force re-compile all scss in the project
#91 opened by shv07 - 5
- 2
- 5
Sass compilation fails on linux x64
#60 opened by 8399Saalsat - 2
[Feature] Allow comments in config
#84 opened by lonix1 - 2
Ignore in config is ignored
#88 opened by lonix1 - 1
Override json config via CLI
#87 opened by lonix1 - 3
Blazor 8 WebAssembly hot-reload not working
#82 opened by michaelvolz - 1
Feature request: Brotli support
#81 opened by michaelvolz - 1
.NET 8 TargetFramework
#80 opened by rwasef1830 - 3
ClearScript v7.4.2 is unstable and randomly crashes (memory corruption) with SIGSEGV on Linux
#73 opened by rwasef1830 - 3
Compile to one .css file
#78 opened by KlishevichIlya - 1
Docker build
#79 opened by KlishevichIlya - 1
- 10
Wecompilerconfiguration issue
#76 opened by KlishevichIlya - 2
compiled css does not include changed partials unless main scss file is changed
#51 opened by devjklein - 4
Large library continues to slow down compile time, even though there are no changes.
#74 opened by Bertie2011 - 1
Nuget Scss import
#72 opened by Baklap4 - 3
Version 2.7.14 Ignore CSS Files
#70 opened by kooliokey - 11
Web compiler exited with 133
#69 opened by mikes-gh - 2
Segmentation fault during the CI
#71 opened by nicolas63 - 6
dart-sass support
#37 opened by Liero - 4
- 2
Error when running against .Net Core 6.0.6
#64 opened by ifflanb - 5
Make a Build nupkg variant of this
#66 opened by frankhommers - 2
Linux Build Server and net SDK 7 rc2
#67 opened by mikes-gh - 2
Version 3.X still in Preview?
#65 opened by travaille-dev - 1
Cannot find any documentation for relative output path in configuration file (override)
#63 opened by martinlcp - 7
- 3
Error when Autoprefix is enabled
#55 opened by ayyron-dev - 11
- 5
.NET 6 on Apple Silicon
#49 opened by michaelhofer - 2
add support for dotnet watch run
#50 opened by Liero - 1
Javascript: Support class variables
#48 opened by NullQubit - 7
- 2
Error publishing blazor webassembly project when using WebCompiler in azure pipelines
#46 opened by rkieslinger - 4
Enable Blazor CSS-Isolation
#44 opened by seriouz - 6
Import with tilde
#45 opened by Bertie2011 - 1
Is there a way to automate "dotnet watch tool run webcompiler" on solution open?
#43 opened by mejobloggs - 2
- 1
Does this work for .Net Framework?
#42 opened by THammond9 - 14
- 4
net6 support
#35 opened by mikes-gh - 2