
For v3.0.1: indented directive options no longer recognised

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

What version of myst-parser are you using?


What version dependencies are you using?

----------------------------- -----------
ablog                         0.11.8
accessible-pygments           0.0.4
alabaster                     0.7.16
attrs                         23.2.0
Babel                         2.14.0
bcrypt                        4.1.2
beautifulsoup4                4.12.3
bleach                        6.1.0
certifi                       2024.2.2
cffi                          1.16.0
charset-normalizer            3.3.2
colorama                      0.4.6
cryptography                  42.0.5
defusedxml                    0.7.1
docutils                      0.20.1
fancylog                      0.3.0
fastjsonschema                2.19.1
feedgen                       1.0.0
idna                          3.7
imagesize                     1.4.1
invoke                        2.2.0
Jinja2                        3.1.3
jsonschema                    4.21.1
jsonschema-specifications     2023.12.1
jupyter_client                8.6.1
jupyter_core                  5.7.2
jupyterlab_pygments           0.3.0
linkify-it-py                 2.0.3
lxml                          5.2.1
markdown-it-py                3.0.0
MarkupSafe                    2.1.5
mdit-py-plugins               0.4.0
mdurl                         0.1.2
mistune                       3.0.2
myst-parser                   2.0.0
nbclient                      0.10.0
nbconvert                     7.16.3
nbformat                      5.10.4
nbsphinx                      0.9.3
numpydoc                      1.7.0
packaging                     24.0
pandocfilters                 1.5.1
paramiko                      3.4.0
pip                           23.3.1
platformdirs                  4.2.1
pycparser                     2.22
pydata-sphinx-theme           0.15.2
Pygments                      2.17.2
PyNaCl                        1.5.0
python-dateutil               2.9.0.post0
pywin32                       306
PyYAML                        6.0.1
pyzmq                         26.0.2
referencing                   0.35.0
requests                      2.31.0
rich                          13.7.1
rpds-py                       0.18.0
setuptools                    68.2.2
setuptools-scm                8.0.4
simplejson                    3.19.2
six                           1.16.0
snowballstemmer               2.2.0
soupsieve                     2.5
Sphinx                        7.1.2
sphinx-argparse               0.4.0
sphinx-autodoc-typehints      2.0.1
sphinx_design                 0.5.0
sphinx-sitemap                2.5.1
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.8
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.6
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        2.0.5
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.7
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.10
tabulate                      0.9.0
tinycss2                      1.3.0
tomli                         2.0.1
tornado                       6.4
traitlets                     5.14.3
typing_extensions             4.11.0
uc-micro-py                   1.0.3
urllib3                       2.2.1
watchdog                      4.0.0
webencodings                  0.5.1
wheel                         0.41.2

What operating system are you using?


Describe the Bug

In version 2.0.0 I have the images with content (I use backticks in the real version but use ::: here for formatting reasons), e.g.:

:::{image} /_static/blog_images/neuroblueprint/NeuroBlueprint_project_tree_dark.png
   :align: center
   :class: only-dark
   :width: 650px
:::{image} /_static/blog_images/neuroblueprint/NeuroBlueprint_project_tree_light.png
   :align: center
   :class: only-light
   :width: 650px

but the content is not respected (e.g. image size) and the warning reads:

16: WARNING: 'image': Has content, but none permitted [myst.directive_parse]

I checked the changelog and couldnt see anything immediately relevant so listed as bug, but maybe this is a new feature I am misunderstanding.

Expected Behavior

Image formats with content as directed .

To Reproduce

I believe building with any image content should show the error.

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Engagement like this is essential for open source projects! ๐Ÿค—

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Welcome to the EBP community! ๐ŸŽ‰

Heya, ah I think I know why this is, if you have the options without the indentation, it should work, e.g.

```{image} /_static/blog_images/neuroblueprint/NeuroBlueprint_project_tree_light.png
:align: center
:class: only-light
:width: 650px

let me know?

But yeh I can fix this regression (and add a test to catch it ๐Ÿ˜…) hopefully in the next day or two

Thanks for the quick response @chrisjsewell, that fixed it!! ๐Ÿ˜„ Cheers

Cheers, yeh one of those things where an "implementation detail" becomes part of the spec lol;
I must have removed the lstrip when checking if a line is part of the option block, but didn't account for this possibility of having indented options.

I use backticks in the real version but use ::: here for formatting reasons

FYI you know you can just surround with more backticks, e.g.


But yeh I can fix this regression (and add a test to catch it ๐Ÿ˜…) hopefully in the next day or two

Thank you! We're seeing the same issue, with lots of warnings for all the indented options ...

I use backticks in the real version but use ::: here for formatting reasons

FYI you know you can just surround with more backticks, e.g.


Awesome, thanks!!