
ESP8266 thermostat with standalone access point web interface (for country house with no wifi)

Primary LanguageC++


ESP8266 thermostat with web interface

Schematics are here


Based on https://habr.com/ru/company/unwds/blog/390601/

Usefull portal for web pages debug: http://jsfiddle.net/boilerplate/jquery

Main features:

  • Stand alone, no external WiFi/Internet required
  • Web server based configuration. No hardware indicators/buttons required
  • High power load commutation in sealed enclosure, low heat generation (triac+relay in parallel solution)
  • Pretty web pages with css and svg design
  • Single side circuitboard, see project at easyeda/oshwlab portal


Project's references:

Check out https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-nodemcu-async-web-server-espasyncwebserver-library/ "Installing Libraries – ESP Async Web Server" to install Async Web Server library. In Sloeber IDE you need to go to Arduino"Add a source folder to the selected project" and refer to local folders with ESPAsyncWebServer and ESPAsyncTCP libraryes. If all done right, you should have it in project references:

External references


Libraryes used for project:


Board settings:

ESP8266 v2.7.4 platfoem used and works fine with following settings:

Board and platform

Last step:

Dont forget to open SecretsExample.h, set your own credentials and save it as Secrets.h.

Thats all. Compilation should runs sucesfully.

Tips: To get project in Sloeber IDE download ZIP and extract it manually or follow https://github.com/executer-uno/ESP-CAM_water_counter#how-to-get-that-repo-into-sloeber-ide to keep connection with repository.

To get project in Arduino IDE download zip or create new folder, and make "git clone https://github.com/executer-uno/Thermostat.git" from Git Bash.


Some details are available on https://oshwlab.com/executer/thyristor-ac-thermostat portal. Some pictures for overview:

Web main

Web config

Exterior 1

Exterior 2

Before enclosure close

Load test