A collection of python scripts for parsing and converting Netscape bookmark files.
All scripts should run using the default Python 3 libraries,
except from_netscape.py
and to_netscape_full.py
which require the HTML parser
Beautiful Soup.
If you are using Arch Linux, you can install the dependency using:
pacman -S python-beautifulsoup4
There should be a simillar way of installing the library if you are using another distribution.
The term "raw file" denotes a file in which every line contains an URL.
from_netscape.py <Netscape bookmark file>
Extracts all URLs from a Netscape bookmark file and print them on the standard output (stdout).
to_netscape_basic.py <raw file>
This script converts a raw file (URL on every line) back to the Netscape bookmark format. Because the bookmark title have been discarded, the URL is used for this field. Timestamps and other metadata is discarded.
If you are unsatisfied with this behavior, scroll ahead.
to_netscape_today.py <raw file>
This script converts a raw file (URL on every line) back to the Netscape bookmark format. Because the timestamps (creation, modification) as well as the bookmark title have been discarded, the current time repectively the URL is used for these fields.
If you are unsatisfied with this behavior, scroll ahead.
to_netscape_full.py <raw file> <netscape bookmark file> [netscape bookmark file]...
This script converts a raw file (URL on every line) back to the Netscape bookmark format. The Netscape bookmark files are being crawled for metadata in the order given by the command line arguments. The first match is used. If no match is found, timestamps are ignored and the title will be the URL.
filter_200.py <raw file>
Prints every URL which is reachable (server responded 200 OK
on the standard output.
If the request fails because of various reasons, the URL will be printed on the
standard error output stream (stderr) paired with the corresponding error code
in front of it. Discard any errors by appending 2> /dev/null
difference.py <raw file A> <raw file B>
Compares files line-by-line and outputs URLs which are present in the first file, but not in the second.
union.py <raw file 1> [raw file 2]...
This script removes duplicate URLs and sorts everything before printing every line on the standard output.
- Extract all the URLs in the bookmark file
- Delete duplicates and sort the URLs.
- Check which of them are still reachable. Discard all errors.
- Export the URLs back to the Netscape bookmark format including metadata such as timestamps and title.
$ ./from_netscape.py bookmarks.html > bookmarks.raw
$ ./union.py bookmarks.raw > unique.raw
$ ./filter_200.py unique.raw > reachable.raw 2> /dev/null
$ ./to_netscape_full.py reachable.raw bookmarks.html > export.html