- AndreRRRppedv AG
- ArthurFitzjohn
- ASchneiderBRImerso
- baidenAccra, Ghana
- brianclineSoftLayer / IBM Cloud
- ciberado
- CountBacula
- cygnatus
- Den-dpTSImagine
- DommyVee
- Dr-Diabolical
- eric@fancybits
- GhostBuilder84
- Grifs99Glades
- gtuckerkelloggNational University of Singapore @GTK-lab
- icedream@Nitrado
- iesv
- intarstudentsLatvia
- Jaika1Australia
- jsears
- kevingrilletYMAG
- lapppy-git
- lebaston100Germany, somewhere in the cloud
- LitttleLeahSouth Africa
- madwire
- ManuelAF
- McCaffeteriaMaryland
- mutschlerfreyhauer GmbH
- ogmkp
- painteau
- S0udiZ
- sorab2142Flipspaces Technologies
- ThisIsCyreX
- UnaKarlsenCape Town, South Africa
- xiCO2kPortugal
- xtex404