My first time doing a C++ application.
I tried this before with C#, that's the reason of the "Strikes Again".
This will be painful.
REALLY painful.
At the moment, it loads a config.ini, shows you the sections, and makes you choose what you wanna run; if the key is a path (literally, "path = C://yourstuff"), it launches the program, if it's a url ("url =") it opens it in your default browser.
I'm using SimpleIni to parse the config file.
Because I have a lot of programs pinned in the taskbar, and it hurts my OCD. I'll add urls just because I can.
Don't cry immediately: MISHON COMPREELearn to use git: I fucking google it every time- Launch apps: dun
- Load config.ini: dun
- Print section of the config.ini except settings: dun
- Launch programs from config.ini: I cant believe that but dun
- Launch urls from config.ini: dun
- Automatically add "http://" when missing: dun
- Automatically add double backslashes to paths: dun
- Automatically add quotes so you can put spaces inside the config file: dun
- Add Errors™: dun
- Add relative paths for both "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)": dun
- Make it run in background to launch it almost immediately: realized that is not necessary, it's already insanely fast
- Keyboard shortcut: to do but I'm not sure I want to deal with this
shithorrible thing - GUI: to do (but not a priority, from CLI everything's faster)
- Set GUI icons: as above
- Set GUI columns: as above