Color scheme born in a day filled with boredrom, the 9 August 2016.
Background: #173559
Text/Fore: #E3D1D1
Black: #323C51
Red: #A43C38
Green: #499860
Yellow: #CD8D4C
Blue: #326E95
Magenta: #A6346B
Cyan: #32939A
White: #E8D5D5
Pale colors just have 10% less saturation,
except for black (20% less)
I decided to use a modular approach, inspired by dkeg, this means keremorph is compatible with his schemes.
To add the scheme to .Xresources, simply paste this into the file, after other settings, and remove the previous colors if present:
#include <keremorph/keremorph> ! - Change this if the repo isn't inside ~/keremorph
! Colors
*background: bg
*foreground: fg
*cursorColor: cyn
*color0: blk
*color8: bblk
*color1: red
*color9: bred
*color2: grn
*color10: bgrn
*color3: ylw
*color11: bylw
*color4: blu
*color12: bblu
*color5: mag
*color13: bmag
*color6: cyn
*color14: bcyn
*color7: wht
*color15: bwht
That's pretty simple: just copy the folder inside ~/.themes
and apply it with lxappearance
for GTK and obconf
for Openbox
Simply drop it inside the window
If you don't have the Boxy theme, or you don't have any mod for it, simply drag Boxy Theme.sublime-package
inside~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages
But if you already have it and you modded it, this gets trickier:
Extract the original theme (exactly like you would do with a .zip), and also this modded version
Go inside the modded theme's folder, and copy (from the modded's folder into the original's):
Boxy Keremorph.sublime-theme
in the root.schemes/Boxy Keremorph.tmTheme
inside theschemes
inside theassets/specific
Go in the root of the modded's folder and select all (
), and compress everything in a zip -
Rename the zip
Boxy Theme.sublime-package
Apply the theme inside Sublime