
Raspberry Pi hat to test Vaio P displays

CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalCERN-OHL-S-2.0

Project Koyomi - display testing hat

This is the first part of the development of Project Koyomi, read this blog post for more.
The purpose of this Raspberry Pi hat is to test and play around with the display of the Vaio P before further development of the motherboard.

The board is currently tested and working as shown here!

The board uses Texas Instruments' SN75LVDS83B LVDS transmitter using the Pi's DPI signals to send video out to the display. The final motherboard will use a DVI receiver to free up the Raspberry's GPIO, a small converter board is in development and you can find it here.

The display connector is made by I-PEX, and the model numbers are 20374-030E-31/20374-R30E-31, they're the same but the 0 variant seems to be more common.
The display, in my case a LT080EE04100 by Toshiba (it should be the same for all Vaio Ps), has no backlight driver, and for that the backlight pins are broken out, allowing testing of different drivers.
The driver will be controlled using software I2C since all the hardware I2C pins are already used by DPI. The assigned GPIOs are 23 for SDA and 24 for SCL. More info about software I2C on this page.

The current settings used in config.txt (on top of the default) is:


Huge thanks to Arya (@CRImier) for her help during most phases of the design!