
"The file you are trying to submit cannot be found." for kotlin two-fer

daniel-iroka opened this issue · 2 comments

Screenshot 2021-07-21 162443

Please help. I cannot submit my file to exercism. I have tried it from the command line outside my intelliJ but still not working
I have tried as follows... exercism submit \src\TwoFer.kt, exercism submit \Kotlin\two-fer.kt
I have also tried to cd into Exercism directory outside my IDE and tried exercism submit Kotlin\two-fer.kt ..
exercism submit two-fer.kt the folder itself and exercism submit

I have tried to submit the TwoFer.kt test file itself and its still not working. Was it changed in 2021 or..??

Troubleshooting Information


Current: 3.0.13
Latest: 3.0.13

Operating System

OS: windows
Architecture: amd64


Home: C:\Users\USER
Workspace: C:\Users\USER\Exercism
Config: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\exercism
API key: e118*****************************850

API Reachability

* https://api.github.com
* [connected]
* 212.3582ms

* https://api.exercism.io/v1/ping
* [connected]
* 6.2867447s

If you are having trouble please file a GitHub issue at
https://github.com/exercism/exercism.io/issues and include
this information.
This is my troubleshoot information. I've read other issues but its still not working for me
My exercism --version is also up-to-date

I just tried this omitting the .kt

C:\Users\USER\Exercism\kotlin\two-fer>exercism submit \Users\USER\Exercism\kotlin\two-fer

You are submitting a directory, which is not currently supported.


Please change into the directory and provide the path to the file(s) you wish to submit

    exercism submit FILENAME

Screenshot 2021-07-21 165919
The solution file is in the 'main' folder and the test file is in the 'test'. I just discovered that I cannot delete a submitted wrong file so please what file, the passed test or solution do you suggest I submit to avoid making any mistakes. Because I have not tried the suggestion below

exercism submit src\main\kotlin\TwoFer.kt
Okay I tried this and it worked