"The file you are trying to submit cannot be found." for kotlin two-fer
daniel-iroka opened this issue · 2 comments
Please help. I cannot submit my file to exercism. I have tried it from the command line outside my intelliJ but still not working
I have tried as follows... exercism submit \src\TwoFer.kt, exercism submit \Kotlin\two-fer.kt
I have also tried to cd into Exercism directory outside my IDE and tried exercism submit Kotlin\two-fer.kt ..
exercism submit two-fer.kt the folder itself and exercism submit
I have tried to submit the TwoFer.kt test file itself and its still not working. Was it changed in 2021 or..??
Troubleshooting Information
Current: 3.0.13
Latest: 3.0.13
Operating System
OS: windows
Architecture: amd64
Home: C:\Users\USER
Workspace: C:\Users\USER\Exercism
Config: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\exercism
API key: e118*****************************850
API Reachability
* https://api.github.com
* [connected]
* 212.3582ms
* https://api.exercism.io/v1/ping
* [connected]
* 6.2867447s
If you are having trouble please file a GitHub issue at
https://github.com/exercism/exercism.io/issues and include
this information.
This is my troubleshoot information. I've read other issues but its still not working for me
My exercism --version is also up-to-date
I just tried this omitting the .kt
C:\Users\USER\Exercism\kotlin\two-fer>exercism submit \Users\USER\Exercism\kotlin\two-fer
You are submitting a directory, which is not currently supported.
Please change into the directory and provide the path to the file(s) you wish to submit
exercism submit FILENAME
The solution file is in the 'main' folder and the test file is in the 'test'. I just discovered that I cannot delete a submitted wrong file so please what file, the passed test or solution do you suggest I submit to avoid making any mistakes. Because I have not tried the suggestion below
exercism submit src\main\kotlin\TwoFer.kt
Okay I tried this and it worked