- 7
Fetch next exercise
#1042 opened by marcesdan - 7
Add support for retrieving API token from secure storage (read from env var?)
#1082 opened by NateEag - 0
help text for submit
#1063 opened by glennj - 6
Setup goreleaser to update homebrew
#1102 opened by ErikSchierboom - 0
`exercism open` should open the exercise in the browser when in exercise folder.
#1069 opened by kotp - 2
Is that ok to ignore the workplace case sensitive on macOS
#1133 opened by ccqpein - 1
Build the cli ?
#1123 opened by anoduck - 2
`exercism configure --workspace=D:` panics
#1034 opened by NobbZ - 2
Discussion: Deliver VSCode devcontainer with Exercises
#1056 opened by CodeMan99 - 1
- 4
feature request: add `exercism update` command
#1007 opened by glennj - 7
Automate releases
#1103 opened by ErikSchierboom - 4
Token is invalid error. Tried multiple ones
#1043 opened by dzalf - 1
Release 3.1.0 does not include shell completions
#1083 opened by louie-github - 1
[feature] support local configuration
#1081 opened by gomain - 1
Is the file size restriction still correct?
#1047 opened by m-dango - 3
feature request: add a `exercism restart` command
#1018 opened by meleu - 1
Delivery Option: features.
#1079 opened by CodeMan99 - 1
Wrong URL for fetching user token.
#1075 opened by octosteve - 24
- 2
Broken links in CLI repo's contributing guide
#1055 opened by resnickmicah - 0
FR: add go install as install method
#1053 opened by psydvl - 0
feature request: `exercism download` should warn the user if a newer version is available
#1049 opened by andreagrandi - 3
Exercise download, connection refused
#1029 opened by rogermungo - 8
Autodetect file to submit
#975 opened by NChechulin - 0
FR: Run analyzer locally before submitting
#1037 opened by marcelarie - 0
Sort the exercises
#1023 opened by txtyash - 0
Moving from Travis to GitHub Actions
#1012 opened by ErikSchierboom - 4
gem install minitest failing on Mac
#994 opened by thelmalu - 11
Update broken urls
#1016 opened by NChechulin - 1
Don´t know where and how to post Solutions
#1020 opened by ulad05 - 8
Crostini (Chromebook)
#1019 opened by WurmPeter - 3
- 4
- 2
Make version 3 available on apt get
#1002 opened by ridhwaans - 2
New release?
#1014 opened by davidjharder - 5
Submit solution information
#1004 opened by erbase - 3
- 2
"The file you are trying to submit cannot be found." for kotlin two-fer
#1003 opened by daniel-iroka - 9
- 17
Deprecate the snap build
#973 opened by NobbZ - 0
Running Tests
#989 opened by Xzoky174 - 2
#985 opened by tashf33n - 1
File you are trying to submit cannot be found
#984 opened by akrios25 - 3
Error when using go get
#982 opened by avi-vivi - 2
The master branch will be renamed to main
#977 opened by ErikSchierboom - 0
Add a pipeline to test the solution before submit
#978 opened by vanenshi - 0
File not found when trying to submit exercism
#976 opened by evanuiisse - 1
Configuring exercism on MacOS seems broken
#971 opened by niloct - 1
I am trying to get started with the Python track
#970 opened by jorisxys