
`exercism configure --workspace=D:` panics

NobbZ opened this issue · 2 comments

NobbZ commented

Please see attached image with the not helpful error message.

It can be assumed that there is a similar unhelpful message on other invalid pathes.

I was looking to take up this issue and contribute @NobbZ
I can't recreate the panic on my end, might be a windows thing or occurs also on unix machines?

NobbZ commented

I think this was specific to windows.

Now several years later, I do not remember what exactly was the "invalid" part.

Whether it's the lacking backslash or whether it's just that the machine didn't have had a drive D:...

I don't have access to windows anymore, therefore I am also not able to recreate the issue.


Given the username recognizable on the screenshot, the screenshot is not even mine. I probably just forwarded it from a help request in the gitter, which was frequently used back then.