
Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

PLEASE NOTE: These instructions are for Exercism Admins only. Maintainers should request that admins create a new analyzer for them. Please create a new topic on the forum.

Exercism Analyzer Template

This repository is a template repository for creating [analyzers][analyzers] for [Exercism][exercism] tracks.

To create a new analyzer, use the bin/bootstrap.sh script:


For example:

LANGUAGE="Common Lisp" SLUG="common-lisp" bin/bootstrap.sh

This will automatically:

  1. Create the analyzer repository
  2. Setup access for the maintainers-admin, guardians and track team
  3. Setup branch protection rules
  4. Give this repository access to the secrets required to deploy the image
  5. Disable merge and rebase commits


Follow the enable tooling to deploy to production instructions to test/deploy the analyzer.