
Go - Tests passing for solutions that don't compile

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I noticed that for some solutions I'm mentoring, there's the little icon at the top saying the tests passed but the solutions don't even compile. I noticed this on the Go track on 2 different exercises, there might be happening in more.


iHiD commented

cc @exercism/go

FYI, I just got the same for this code that has a comma in the factored import statement and is missing a comma in a map initializer, both of which were flagged as errors locally.

// Package scrabble helps calculate Scrabble scores.
package scrabble


// Score calculates the score of a word in Scrabble.
func Score(word string) int {
	values := map[int]string{
        1: "AEIOULNRST",
        2: "DG",
        3: "BCMP",
        5: "K",
        8: "JX",
        10: "QZ"

    word := strings.ToUpper(word)
    var score int
    for _, letter := range word {
		for valIndex, value := range values {
			if strings.Contains(value, string(letter)) {
				score += valIndex

	return score


Using @bobahop's sample code, I can confirm that there is indeed a bug in the test runner. I copied the above code into the stub of the scrabble score exercise, and then ran go test locally:

erik@VELPIE:~/exercism/go/exercises/practice/scrabble-score$ go test
can't load package: package scrabble: 
scrabble_score.go:5:14: expected ';', found ','

I then ran the test runner using ./bin/run-in-docker.sh scrabble-score /home/erik/exercism/go/exercises/practice/scrabble-score /home/erik/exercism/go/exercises/practice/scrabble-score, which output the following results.json file:

	"status": "pass",
	"version": 2,
	"tests": []

CC @tehsphinx

Also, the bottom line here

func Score(word string) int {

. . .

word := strings.ToUpper(word)

generates the error

no new variables on left side of :=

go test will return 1 on build failures too.
We need to differentiate the two causes of failure.
I can put up a PR later today.

@moshegood Brilliant! That would be much appreciated

@bobahop @andrerfcsantos A new version of the test runner has been released that fixes this (courtesy of @moshegood). Would you mind testing it, and if it works, close this issue?

I think this is working now. I did a quick test and the tests now fail for solutions that don't compile. I also haven't seen this problem anymore in students solutions. I'll close this issue. Feel free to add additional commentaries or re-open the issue if necessary.

iHiD commented

Thanks for updating!