- 4
- 7
Extracting code for the specific test case does not work even when it conforms to the requirements
#78 opened by junedev - 6
- 3
- 3
- 1
Upgrade to version 3 spec
#32 opened by ErikSchierboom - 5
Golang: Remaining test case are stopped when adding `fmt.Printf` for console log purpose
#92 opened by jawahar273 - 2
Redundant empty line in extracted test code
#79 opened by junedev - 5
Text overflow issues
#77 opened by AjaxAueleke - 8
- 0
- 0
Update to Go 1.18
#68 opened by andrerfcsantos - 8
Allow to enable race detector for certain exercises
#62 opened by junedev - 5
- 5
Separate error message from console output
#7 opened by tehsphinx - 2
Investigate whether Scanln can be removed
#59 opened by junedev - 3
Errors should not hide all test case info
#48 opened by SaschaMann - 0
`status: error` is being returned without `message`
#55 opened by iHiD - 18
- 2
- 1
Test order should not be randomized
#46 opened by angelikatyborska - 3
Output in case of a test fail
#44 opened by kwiat1990 - 8
Issue with special characters in output message
#42 opened by junedev - 8
`elons-toys` getting error fetching go-cmp
#43 opened by jmrunkle - 6
- 1
- 10
- 0
Skip benchmark tests by using `go test -short`
#37 opened by jmrunkle - 0
Upgrade to version 3 spec
#33 opened by ErikSchierboom - 1
The master branch will be renamed to main
#25 opened by ErikSchierboom - 4
Update of Go test runner
#10 opened by tehsphinx - 0
No compilation errors are shown
#11 opened by ErikSchierboom - 3
Integrate Go Test Runner in Exercism
#4 opened by tehsphinx - 0
Resources for writing the test runner
#1 opened by tehsphinx