Pinned issues
[Clock] Review Test Cases and Discuss Structure and Objectives of Exercise
#3012 opened by BethanyG
- 1
another exercices
#3798 opened by cassi35 - 3
Insufficient test cases for "Resistor Color Expert"
#3795 opened by xanni - 1
#3793 opened by Thiagos0uza - 1
#3771 opened by Rtxrtx330 - 2
#3767 opened by ChCurator228 - 1
- 1
Multiple ValueErrors in testcase, only one is checked
#3757 opened by stasinos - 1
#3745 opened by PyDev09042008 - 1
- 1
Question / contributing.
#3713 opened by arthurwolf - 1
How come the "Wordy" exercise labeled as "Easy"?
#3710 opened by temirfe - 1
There are some grammatical errors in the instructions and introduction files. It will be great for the new comers to understand things easily
#3709 opened by thomasantony12 - 1
exercise pov source - 4clojure website is defunct
#3704 opened by razermackham - 1
Improve Triangles testing
#3703 opened by TheKrol - 1
Wrong param type
#3696 opened by silvanocostanzo - 1
- 1
Money maker
#3693 opened by Dumptruck2019 - 1
Include pylintrc and pytest.ini files for each exercise
#3690 opened by rzuckerm - 2
- 3
- 3
Forth Exercise
#3671 opened by brocla - 3
- 3
[Little Sister’s Essay] A typo in the exercise introduction
#3673 opened by anym0us - 2
Add additional test case to 'Matching Brackets'
#3659 opened by tolstovskiy - 2
Instructions for python flatten: change null into None
#3599 opened by branscha - 2
- 1
- 1
[Draft] Cutting Zebra Puzzle
#3553 opened by clarissa-au - 20
Building a training set of tags for python
#3535 opened by iHiD - 0
[Generator Concept + Plane Ticket Exercise]: Consider Adding list of common generator-iterators from the Std. Library
#3532 opened by BethanyG - 2
- 1
[Enhancement] : Integrate Interactive Code Playground for Python Exercises
#3522 opened by Parvezkhan0 - 1
- 1
[Inventory Management] Add test that `decrement_item` does not add an item with quantity of zero
#3511 opened by GDYendell - 0
[Yacht]: Rework Exercise to Be More In Line with the Original Intent (Enums not Lambdas)
#3472 opened by BethanyG - 2
#3506 opened by johnnyboystar - 1
#3505 opened by johnnyboystar - 1
#3504 opened by johnnyboystar - 3
- 2
[Triangle] Proposed Solution
#3497 opened by krstopro - 1
Code passes ``although malfunctioning
#3494 opened by muritz - 1
#3492 opened by aragaolinhares - 0
🤖 Sync error for commit a5d6a9
#3480 opened by exercism-bot - 1
🤖 Sync error for commit 6c9a7e
#3482 opened by exercism-bot - 0
🤖 Sync error for commit 869f07
#3411 opened by exercism-bot - 1
[Pig Latin]: 'ch' in 'chair' is not consonant cluster
#3448 opened by Pd69bq - 1
Currency Exchange exercise doesn't test instruction 3: calculate value of bills
#3417 opened by zigmd - 1
- 4
[Tuples Concept Docs] Stale Link in `links.json`
#3389 opened by hansonchar - 2
🤖 Sync error for commit 84c35b
#3385 opened by exercism-bot