
Backup utility for MongoDB

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Backup utility for MongoDB. Compatible with Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.


Make sure that original MongoDB Database Tools are installed. Please follow instruction on the official page for platform specific installation. Also make sure that mongodump command is in your PATH.

pip install mongodump-s3


mongodump-s3 could be used as command line tool or as Docker service. There are also three possible ways to pass parameters to the utility:

  • Through setting environment variables
  • By passing env file to the tool
  • Or by passing individual flags

Please refer to sample.env example for all possible env options.

Command line

$ mongodump-s3 --help
usage: mongodump-s3 <options>

Export the content of a running server into .bson files and uploads to provided S3 compatible storage. By default loads required settings from environment variables.

general options:
  -h, --help            print usage
  -v, --version         print the tool version and exit

output options:
  -b <S3 Bucket>, --bucket <S3 Bucket>
                        S3 bucket name for upload, defaults to 'mongodump'
  -o <folder>, --out <folder>
                        output directory, defaults to 'dump'

uri options:
  -u <uri>, --uri <uri>
                        mongodb uri connection string. See official description here https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string

environmental options:
  -e <env-file>, --env <env-file>
                        path to file containing environmental variables

cloud storage options:
  --azure "<azure_storage_connection_string>"
                        connection string for storage account provided by Azure
  --aws "<aws_access_key_id=value> <aws_secret_access_key=value> <aws_region=value>"
                        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_REGION properties provided by Amazon Web Services IAM. AWS_REGION defaults to 'us-west-2' if not specified
  --gcp "<google_application_credentials=value> <google_region=value>"
                        path to service account file and optional Google Cloud Region. GOOGLE_REGION defaults to 'us-multiregion' if not specified

notification options:
  --email <user@example.com>
                        email address which to notify upon the result
  --smtp <mail-server.example.com>
                        SMTP relay server to use, defaults to 'localhost'
  --telegram "<telegram_token=value> <telegram_chat_id=value>"
                        Telegram API token and chat id to be used for notification. See more: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api


sudo docker run --name mongo-dump [Optional: --env-file sample.env] exesse/mongodump-s3:latest [Optional: startup flags]

In case you need to pass GCP service account key please mount the key inside container and simply specify GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/mongo-dump/key.json.

sudo docker run --name mongodump-gcp \
    --env-file sample.env \
    -v ~/dev.json:/mongodump/key.json:ro \


Email bug reports, questions, discussions to hi@exesse.org.