
Repository full of my project of the 42 School (and other utility scripts).

Primary LanguageC

My 42 Repository

Project Mark Retry Time (estimated) Note
libft 125% 3 5d
get_next_line 115% 1 1d
netwhat 100% 2 0d
ft_printf 100% 2 3d
ft_server 100% 1 8h quick
cub3d 109% 1 4d
libasm 125% 1 5d very cool
ft_services 100% 1 3w boring
minishell 100% 1 5d cool
CPP Modules/00 100% 2 6h
CPP Modules/01 100% 1 1d
CPP Modules/02 100% 1 10h
CPP Modules/03 done 8d boring
CPP Modules/05 wip
Philosophers wip 16h cool