
We wanted an easy, simple to use app, something that you would play before falling asleep, but addictive enough that it won't let you fall asleep. The idea of also playing with friends was appealing too, so we decided to add both a single player and a multiplayer option. And last but not least we wanted sheep.

So we thought that the best possible app that would fit all of these charasteristics is "Sheep vomiting rainbows" (in a cute way).

What we got is a nice happy menu, where the user can click on the herd of sheep for multiplayer mode, or on the lonely sheep for single player mode. Sadly, single player mode is not implemented since it's just a prototype, but the idea is that while in single player mode you get to practice and train and beat the highscore obtained in either mode.

In multiplayer mode, you have an oponent (obviously :) ). The idea of the game is to click on the sheep as fast as you can, and based on how much faster you click than your opponent, the cloud that gets formed in the middle of the stream moves towards to lowest clicks/second person. once the rainbow gets on the opponent sheep you win! You also have bonuses and multipliers based on cabbages that randomly appear on the screen, each player having one on his/her side. The fastest player that gets to click on the cabbage has a click advantage, but be careful ... since there is both a good cabbage and an evil destructive cabbage. In our case green cabbage good, red cabbage bad.

This is the idea of the game. It's fun and simple, and we hope that once you play it you won't stop.