TIDAL Media Downloader Next Generation! Up to HiRes Lossless / TIDAL MAX 24-bit, 192 kHz.
- 0
[Help] Cannot download GUI
#255 opened by fjnrte - 17
[Bug] Bitdefender thinks its dangerous
#231 opened by calienyal - 1
#254 opened by michal-zelazny - 4
[Help] album_artist and cover for single Track
#250 opened by Huber1 - 2
[Feature] Network share as download folder
#253 opened by Grisly00 - 4
[Question] Rate limits, internals and async
#244 opened by ryoko7 - 1
[Bug] Error calling Python override with "worker.py" and
#251 opened by Paloik - 1
[Feature] Reencode output files
#252 opened by regorxxx - 1
[Feature] Regarding flac metadata
#245 opened by AudioPro72 - 1
[Help] option for .flac output
#243 opened by ni-pa-ny - 1
- 1
[Bug] v0.20.03 - gui version stuck ripping
#246 opened by ni-pa-ny - 12
[Feature] Add ReplayGain information
#240 opened by mono66985 - 2
Virus detected??
#238 opened by Notorious2Beat - 4
- 2
[Feature] Qt Version < 6.8
#236 opened by regorxxx - 3
- 4
[Help] Authentication failed
#199 opened by duckifi - 12
[Bug] Problems with metadata of high-quality FLAC files downloaded from Tidal via the downloader
#232 opened by Artemyx-DataScientist - 10
[Help] in the settings the tabs i dont have clickable boxes to select and un select settings, on my other computer there are present
#202 opened by Ukanoii - 1
[Feature] Add "Downloaded (songname)" to stdout
#201 opened by YaBoiMax - 2
[Feature] Adding album_year feasible?
#234 opened by ni-pa-ny - 3
[Bug] The program forms an infinite loop
#228 opened by JJ110112 - 7
- 10
- 5
[Feature] Do not add the 2-5 second pause until the next file if the current file is skipped
#196 opened by mjg2821 - 4
[Bug] Both CLI and GUI app crashes with JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
#197 opened by ViktorVoloshko - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
[Feature] Save album cover as separate file
#218 opened by wataa47 - 1
[Bug] Random white noise in tracks?
#203 opened by YoonGSC - 2
- 2
[Help] 401 client error: unauthorized for url
#209 opened by PurpleRain12345 - 1
[Bug] "Unhandled exception in script"
#208 opened by dendenbgc - 1
- 1
[Bug] The app just don't open anymore.
#206 opened by renanf021 - 1
[Feature] Replace PyQtDarkTheme with PyQtDarkTheme-fork to allow for newer Python versions
#205 opened by ChilliGeologist - 4
[Help] First time running and I get this error
#198 opened by LegzRwheelz - 6
[Help] Very Slow
#195 opened by Reasonable-Grape2698 - 1
- 3
[Bug] Fake bitrate?
#191 opened by BobDobolina - 3
- 1
[Feature] Atmos download
#190 opened by Tecko71 - 1
I get error when i open url.
#189 opened by MolnarMilan000 - 1
[Bug] Audio quality error
#186 opened by platinumdis - 2
[Help] Authentication Error
#185 opened by kevin26exe - 1
- 3
[Bug] [WinError 5] Zugriff verweigert
#183 opened by Limerocker - 2
[Help] Error when downloading
#193 opened by mikk64