
Records twitter sentiments of presidential candidates on a per state basis

Primary LanguagePython


Live analysis of the positive and negative tweets for each presidential candidate by state.

TODO For Version 0.0.0:

[ ] Start running on server to start collecting data [X] Make index.html look pretty. [X] Fix for mobile. [X] Make sure live updates are noticable [X] Show each individual condidates average sentiment. [X] Add about and contact info. [X] Add a legend [X] Add the most recent tweet section to show that it is actually live. [X] Favicon [ ] Testing w/ coverage [ ] Write a more interesting about page

Version 2.0.0:

[ ] Track top and bottom state for each candidate [ ] Each day at a midnight capture the final positions that day. (This db entry feeds the rest of the timelines below) [ ] Create a timeline of sentiment and tweets for each candidate overall on a graph [ ] Same as above but for each individual state for each candidate.