Photon Heroku Realtime Webhooks Sample


This is the Photon Realtime Webhooks sample using a Python 3 Heroku application and Heroku Postgres addon.


Requirements for local development

  • Local PostgreSQL server installed and running.
  • ngrok to forward requests to your PC

Setup and Run

Essential steps are:

  • $ heroku login
  • $ cd photon.webhooks.turnbased.heroku
  • $ pipenv install Flask gunicorn psycopg2

Running application locally

  • $ ./ngrok http 5000 (default Flask port is 5000)
  • go to the Photon Dashboard, create an application and set in the Webhooks tab the BaseUrl value to url from ngrok.
  • $ export DATABASE_URL=[local PostgreSQL database url]
  • $ python (script destroys current database if it exists and creates new one)
  • $ foreman start
  • start client with appId set to your Photon application and check console for server logs

Deploying to Heroku Cloud and run

  • $ git init
  • $ git add .
  • $ git commit -m "init"
  • $ heroku create [new Heroku application name]
  • $ git push heroku master
  • go to the Photon Dashboard, create an application or choose already existing and set in the Webhooks tab the BaseUrl value to url of your Heroku web application (http://[Heroku application name]
  • $ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  • $ heroku run python (script destroys current database if it exists and creates new one)
  • $ heroku ps:scale web=1
  • $ heroku logs --tail
  • start client with appId set to your Photon application and check console for server logs