
Custom Menu plugin made with CounterStrikeSharp for CS2

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


a plugin to create customizable menus

supports chat, centerhtml & wasd menu

permission based or team based menus and commands

every menu and menu option has a bunch of settings, see examples




example config

Messages - Default: true (sends no permission & selecting message)

Title - Default: "Menu" (title of the menu)
Type - Default: "html" (options: chat/html/wasd)
Command - Defualt: "" (you can use multiple by splitting them with ,)
Permission - Default: "" (empty for no check, @css/reservation for vip)
Team - Default: "" (T for Terrorist, CT for CounterTerrorist or empty for both)

Sound - Default: "" (use vsnd like sounds/buttons/blip1.vsnd)
CloseMenu - Default: false (close the menu on select)
Confirm - Default: false (opens a confirmation menu on select)
Cooldown - Default: 0 (how many seconds until the command can be used again)

  "Prefix": "{green}[Menu]{default}",
  "Messages": true,
  "Menus": {
    "1": {
      "Title": "Example Menu",
      "Type": "html",
      "Command": "css_examplemenu",
      "Permission": "",
      "Team": "",
      "Options": [
          "Title": "Example Option",
          "Command": "",
          "Permission": "",
          "Team": "",
          "Sound": "",
          "CloseMenu": false,
          "Confirm": false,
          "Cooldown": 0
          "Title": "Example Option 2",
          "Command": "css_example2",
          "Permission": "@css/root",
          "Team": "T",
          "Sound": "sounds/buttons/blip1.vsnd",
          "CloseMenu": true,
          "Confirm": true,
          "Cooldown": 3

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