
A Lua extension library that allows to run various scripting languages from within Lua scripts, cross-language require scripts and load 32-bit Lua on Lua 64-bit

Primary LanguagePascalMIT LicenseMIT

Underscript Lua Extensions

Underscript is a ninja Lua extension library that extends Lua to:

  • Run a wide variety of scripting languages from within Lua scripts through the _script function. The script can use the variables from the Lua script as it was part of itself. All kinds of scripting languages are supported, including various versions of Lua itself - allowing to run for example a LuaJIT from within standard Lua. The _script method is expanding and evolving.
  • Cross-language import a library through requirex functions (still limited and evolving). This allows for example to require a JavaScript file like it was a Lua script and then use its functions.
  • Run 32-bit Lua on Lua 64-bit through the require32 function. This LoL (Lua on Lua) system allows to load and use legacy 32-bit Lua DLLs and libraries from within a 64-bit Lua application (still beta and evolving).


LoL (Lua 32-bit on Lua 64-bit)

require "luaonlua"
uuid = require32("uuid") -- imports the 32-bit uuid.dll
m = require32("math") -- imports the math library from Lua 32-bit

This is possible under Windows systems thanks to WoW64, the subsystem of Windows capable of running 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows.

LoL when compiled to 32-bit also allows you to run 64-bit Lua on Lua 32-bit through the require64 function, but it has not been tested yet.

Cross-Language Import

require "Underscript"
test = requirex.js("test") -- Loads test.js


var test = { 
    hello: function () { 
        UConsole.WriteLn("Hello World");              
    aloha: function (name) { 
        return "Aloha, "+name+"!";             

Run Script

require "Underscript"

-- Function Example using PHP
function crc16(s) _script.php
   $crc = 0xFFFF; 
   for ($x = 0; $x < strlen ($s); $x++) { 
     $crc = $crc ^ ord($s[$x]); 
     for ($y = 0; $y < 8; $y++) { 
       if (($crc & 0x0001) == 0x0001) { 
         $crc = (($crc >> 1) ^ 0xA001); 
       } else { $crc = $crc >> 1; } 
   $s = $crc; 
 return s

-- Simple Hello World Example using PHP
function echo(s) _script.php

All local Lua variables (string, number, boolean and nil) are automatically made accessible from within the code just like if they were part of the Lua script that is running it, as shown in the examples above. If you prefer, connected variables can be disabled or enabled, including for global variables (see /docs/options.md)

Available Languages and Engines

Currently C#, JavaScript, Java, LuaJIT, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, TCL, TypeScript, VBScript and various versions of Lua itself are supported.

function language
_script.csharp C# (.NET) script
_script.pascal DWS Pascal - Standard Script, same as pascalx.script (see table below)
_script.perl Perl (Strawberry Perl), same as perlx.script
_script.perlx.script Perl (Strawberry Perl)
_script.perlx.active Perl (ActivePerl)
_script.python Python script
_script.php PHP script
_script.java BeanShell Java script, same as _script.javax.bsh
_script.javax.bsh BeanShell Java script
_script.javax.bshcore BeanShell Core Java script
_script.javascript JavaScript using default JS engine (QuickJS), same as _script.js.quick (see table below
_script.ruby Ruby script
_script.tcl TCL script
_script.vbscript VBScript (MS Engine)
_script.typescript TypeScript using default TS engine (Deno), same as _script.jspp.tsdeno (see table below)


function language
_script.javascript JavaScript using default JS engine (QuickJS), same as _script.js.quick
_script.jscript MS JavaScript engine, same as _script.js.jscript
_script.js.jscript MS JavaScript engine
_script.js.core Apple's JavaScriptCore engine
_script.js.node Node.JS engine
_script.js.nodestrict Node.JS engine in strict mode
_script.js.quick QuickJS engine
_script.js.spider Mozilla's SpiderMonkey engine
_script.js.v8 Pure V8 engine (built-in extension)
_script.js.v8ext Pure V8 engine (external process)

TypeScript & Other JS supersets

function language
_script.typescript TypeScript using default TS engine (Deno), same as _script.jspp.tsdeno
_script.jspp.script JS++ (by Onux)
_script.jspp.tiscript TIScript (by Terra Informatica)
_script.jspp.tsdeno TypeScript (Deno))


function language
_script.pascal DWS Pascal - Standard Script, same as pascalx.script
_script.pas.script DWS Pascal - Standard Script
_script.pas.webscript DWS Pascal - Web Script
_script.pas.prog RemObjects Pascal - Program Script
_script.pas.prog RemObjects Pascal - Function Script
_script.pas.short RemObjects Pascal - Short Script

Lua itself

function language
_script.lua.script Lua 5.1 (64-bit), same as _script.lua.v51
_script.lua.script32 Lua 5.1 (32-bit)
_script.lua.in Lua 5.1 (built-in 64-bit Lua, same Lua state)
_script.lua.jit LuaJIT 5.1 (64-bit)
_script.lua.v51 Lua 5.1 (64-bit)
_script.lua.v52 Lua 5.2 (64-bit)
_script.lua.v53 Lua 5.3 (64-bit)
_script.lua.v54 Lua 5.4 (64-bit)

Case Sensitiveness in Pascal and VBScript - PascalScript and VBScript are case-insensitive. When using them avoid using Lua variables with the same name but different case.


  • /docs - Documentation about the library's functions and options
  • /src - the main executable source and built-in resource files
  • /luaonlua - Lua on Lua (LoL) library
  • /thirdparty - Scripting-related third-party dependencies


Compiled binaries for Windows can be downloaded from the links below.

Third-party, freely available libraries already included:

function Official URL
BeanShell http://www.beanshell.org/
Deno https://github.com/denoland/deno
DWScript https://bitbucket.org/egrange/dwscript
Lua https://www.lua.org/
LuaJIT https://luajit.org/
PHP http://www.php.net/
JavaScriptCore https://developer.apple.com/documentation/javascriptcore
JS++ https://www.onux.com/jspp/
Node.js https://nodejs.org/
PascalScript http://www.RemObjects.com/
Python http://python.org/
QuickJS https://bellard.org/quickjs/
Ruby http://www.ruby-lang.org
ScriptCS http://scriptcs.net/
SpiderMonkey https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey
Strawberry Perl http://strawberryperl.com/
TIScript https://sciter.com/developers/for-web-programmers/tiscript-vs-javascript/
V8 https://github.com/v8/v8

Not included - must be downloaded separately:


For compiling Underscript, you will need Catarinka and pLua.

There is no need to install third-party components in the IDE - you can just add the dependencies listed above to the library path and hit compile. It currently compiles under Delphi XE10 Tokyo or up.

We also would love to see a C port of this library.

License & Credits

Underscript was developed by Felipe Daragon, Syhunt.

This code is licensed under a MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.