
CANopen stack base.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


CANopenNode is free and open source CANopen Stack.

CANopen is the internationally standardized (EN 50325-4) (CiA301) CAN-based higher-layer protocol for embedded control system. For more information on CANopen see http://www.can-cia.org/

CANopenNode is written in ANSI C in object-oriented way. It runs on different microcontrollers, as standalone application or with RTOS. Stack includes master functionalities. For Linux implementation with CANopen master functionalities see https://github.com/CANopenNode/CANopenSocket.

Variables (communication, device, custom) are ordered in CANopen Object Dictionary and are accessible from both: C code and from CAN network.

CANopenNode homepage is https://github.com/CANopenNode/CANopenNode

CANopen Features

  • NMT slave to start, stop, reset device. Simple NMT master.
  • Heartbeat producer/consumer error control.
  • PDO linking and dynamic mapping for fast exchange of process variables.
  • SDO expedited, segmented and block transfer for service access to all parameters.
  • SDO master.
  • Emergency message.
  • Sync producer/consumer.
  • Non-volatile storage.

Usage of the CANopenNode

CANopenNode itself doesn't have complete working code for any microcontroller. It is only the library with the stack and drivers for different microcontrollers. It has example, which should compile on any system with template driver (drvTemplate), which actually doesn't access CAN hardware. CANopenNode should be used as a git submodule included in a project with specific hardware and specific application.

Documentation, support and contributions

Code is documented in header files. Running doxygen in project base folder will produce complete html documentation. Just open CANopenNode/doc/html/index.html in browser.

Report issues on https://github.com/CANopenNode/CANopenNode/issues

Older and still active discussion group is on Sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/p/canopennode/discussion/387151/

For some implementations of CANopenNode on real hardware see table below. CANopenSocket is nice implementation for Linux devices. It includes command line interface for master access of the CANopen network. There is also some Getting started.

Contributions are welcome. Best way to contribute your code is to fork a project, modify it and then send a pull request.

Flowchart of a typical CANopenNode implementation

                           |     Program start     |
                           |     CANopen init      |
                           |     Start threads     |
                                 |     |     |
             --------------------      |      --------------------
            |                          |                          |
 -----------------------    -----------------------    -----------------------
| CAN receive thread    |  | Timer interval thread |  | Mainline thread       |
|                       |  |                       |  |                       |
| - Fast response.      |  | - Realtime thread with|  | - Processing of time  |
| - Detect CAN ID.      |  |   constant interval,  |  |   consuming tasks     |
| - Partially process   |  |   typically 1ms.      |  |   in CANopen objects: |
|   messages and copy   |  | - Network synchronized|  |    - SDO server,      |
|   data to target      |  | - Copy inputs (RPDOs, |  |    - Emergency,       |
|   CANopen objects.    |  |   HW) to Object Dict. |  |    - Network state,   |
|                       |  | - May call application|  |    - Heartbeat.       |
|                       |  |   for some processing.|  | - May cyclically call |
|                       |  | - Copy variables from |  |   application code.   |
|                       |  |   Object Dictionary to|  |                       |
|                       |  |   outputs (TPDOs, HW).|  |                       |
 -----------------------    -----------------------    -----------------------

             | SDO client (optional) |
             |                       |
             | - Can be called by    |
             |   external application|
             | - Can read or write   |
             |   any variable from   |
             |   Object Dictionary   |
             |   from any node in the|
             |   CANopen network.    |

File structure

  • CANopen.h/.c - Initialization and processing of CANopen objects. Most usual implementation of CANopen device.
  • stack - Directory with all CANopen objects in separate files.
    • CO_Emergency.h/.c - CANopen Emergency object.
    • CO_NMT_Heartbeat.h/.c - CANopen Network slave and Heartbeat producer object.
    • CO_HBconsumer.h/.c - CANopen Heartbeat consumer object.
    • CO_SYNC.h/.c - CANopen SYNC producer and consumer object.
    • CO_SDO.h/.c - CANopen SDO server object. It serves data from Object dictionary.
    • CO_PDO.h/.c - CANopen PDO object. It configures, receives and transmits CANopen process data.
    • CO_SDOmaster.h/.c - CANopen SDO client object (master functionality).
    • CO_trace.h/.c - Trace object with timestamp for monitoring variables from Object Dictionary (optional).
    • crc16-ccitt.h/.c - CRC calculation object.
    • drvTemplate - Directory with microcontroller specific files. In this case it is template for new implementations. It is also documented, other directories are not.
      • CO_driver.h/.c - Microcontroller specific objects for CAN module.
      • eeprom.h/.c - Functions for storage of Object dictionary, optional.
      • helpers.h/.c - Some optional files with specific helper functions.
    • socketCAN - Directory for Linux socketCAN interface.
    • PIC32 - Directory for PIC32 devices from Microchip.
    • PIC24_dsPIC33 - Directory for PIC24 and dsPIC33 devices from Microchip.
    • dsPIC30F - Directory for dsPIC30F devices from Microchip.
    • eCos - Directory for all devices supported by eCos RTOS.
    • SAM3X - Directory for SAM3X ARM Cortex M3 devices with ASF library from Atmel.
    • STM32 - Directory for STM32 ARM devices from ST.
    • LPC177x_8x - Directory for LPC177x (Cortex M3) devices with FreeRTOS from NXP.
    • MCF5282 - Directory for MCF5282 (ColdFire V2) device from Freescale.
  • codingStyle - Description of the coding style.
  • Doxyfile - Configuration file for the documentation generator doxygen.
  • Makefile - Basic makefile.
  • LICENSE - License.
  • README.md - This file.
  • example - Directory with basic example.
    • main.c - Mainline and other threads - example template.
    • application.h/.c - Separate file with some functions, which are called from main.c. May be used for application specific code.
    • CO_OD.h/.c - CANopen Object dictionary. Automatically generated file.
    • IO.eds - Standard CANopen EDS file, which may be used from CANopen configuration tool. Automatically generated file.
    • _ project.xml - XML file contains all data for CANopen Object dictionary. It is used by Object dictionary editor application, which generates other files. Object dictionary editor is currently fully functional, but old web application. See http://sourceforge.net/p/canopennode/code_complete/.
    • _ project.html - Object dictionary editor launcher.

Microcontroller support

Status (date) OD storage Example
drvTemplate OK template here
Linux socketCAN beta (2016) Yes CANopenSocket
Microchip PIC32 stable (2015) Yes CANopenPIC
Microchip PIC24, 33 stable (2015) no CANopenPIC
Microchip dsPIC30F beta (2013) no CANopenPIC
RTOS eCos stable (2013) Yes old repo
Atmel SAM3X ? Yes old repo
ST STM32 ? no old repo
NXP LPC177x_8x ? no old repo
Freescale MCF5282 ? no old repo

Other known implementations with source code

History of the project

Project was initially hosted on http://sourceforge.net/projects/canopennode/ It started in 2004 with PIC18F microcontrollers from Microchip. Fresh, cleaned repository of CANopenNode stack started on 25.7.2015. For older history see http://sourceforge.net/p/canopennode/code_complete/


CANopenNode is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 with the classpath exception.

CANopenNode is free and open source software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

GPL linking exception

CANopenNode can be easely used also in commercial embedded projects. Following clarification and special linking exception to the GNU General Public License is included to the distribution terms of CANopenNode:

Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.

As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obliged to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.