
Material to build a ready to use oracle image

Primary LanguageShell

Oracle docker image by eXo Platform

This is a Oracle image to easily build an Oracle environment for test purposes.

How to build

  • Download the official Oracle 12cR2 installer on the oracle site
  • Put the archive linuxx64_12201_database.zipin the installer directory
  • Execute docker build -t <image name>:<tag> .. It will create the image and install Oracle on it. it can take some time.

:info: when new version are release, compare the file db_install.rsp with /u01/app/oracle/product/ in the image

How to run

A build of the image is available on the docker hub.

The Oracle instance can be launched with this command :

docker run --name my-database -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_SID=sid -e ORACLE_DATABASE=mydb -e ORACLE_USER=myuser -e ORACLE_PASSWORD=mypassword -e ORACLE_DBA_PASSWORD=syspassword exoplatform/oracle:12cR2

This will launch Oracle and initialize the database. The data are persisted on the directory /u01/app/oracle/data. To keep them between 2 container restarts, add this parameter to your command line:

-v local_datadir:/u01/app/oracle/data


  • ORACLE_SID : The oracle sid used to identified the database (mandatory)
  • ORACLE_DATABASE : the name of the database to create (mandatory)
  • ORACLE_USER : The standard user name allowed to connect to the database (mandatory)
  • ORACLE_PASSWORD : The password of the user (mandatory)
  • ORACLE_DBA_PASSWORD : Administrator password (mandatory)
  • ORACLE_PGA_TARGET : the memory used by the Program Global Area (default: 512m)
  • ORACLE_SGA_TARGET : the memory used by the System Global Area (default: 512m)

Quick test

As the database initialization can take a long time, for quick tests and if you don't need to keep the data between two restarts, an image with a pre-initialized database is available

docker run --rm --name my-database -p 1521:1521  exoplatform/oracle:12cR2_plf

The parameters are :

  • ORACLE_USER : plf
  • ORACLE_SID : plf