
JMXTrans in a Docker container for eXo

Primary LanguageShell

JMXTrans docker container for eXo

This container aims to provide an out of the box tool to collect eXo Platform JMX metrics and to push it in an Influxdb server.

eXo Platform Docker image

Docker Stars - Docker Pulls

Image JMXTrans eXo Platform
exoplatform/jmxtrans:latest 268 4.4+
exoplatform/jmxtrans:develop 268 4.4+
exoplatform/jmxtrans:268_0 268 4.4+
exoplatform/jmxtrans:268_1 268 5.1+


Just launch the image with default values :

docker run exoplatform/jmxtrans 

If you want to specify the targeted Influxdb server :

docker run -e TARGET_INFLUXDB_URL="http://influxdb.server.org" exoplatform/jmxtrans 

or the eXo Platform server hostname :

docker run -e TARGET_JMX_HOST=exo.server.org exoplatform/jmxtrans 

For more configuration settings, see the next section.

Configuration options

Several aspects of JMXTrans container are customizable with the following environment variables:

HEAP_SIZE NO 512 specify the jvm allocated memory size in MB (-Xms and -Xmx parameters)
TARGET_JMX_HOST NO localhost the JMX hostname of the eXo Platform instance
TARGET_JMX_PORT NO 8004 the JMX port of the eXo Platform instance
TARGET_JMX_USER NO `` the JMX username of the eXo Platform instance
TARGET_JMX_PASSWORD NO `` the JMX password of the eXo Platform instance
TARGET_HOSTNAME NO same as $TARGET_JMX_HOST value the hostname of the eXo Platform server
TARGET_NODE_ID NO NC a string to identify an eXo node in a cluster for exemple
TARGET_INFLUXDB_URL NO http://localhost:8086 the full url of the Influxdb server to send the metrics
TARGET_INFLUXDB_DATABASE NO exo the Influxdb database name to use
TARGET_INFLUXDB_USERNAME NO nobody the Influxdb username
TARGET_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD NO nothing the Influxdb password
TARGET_INFLUXDB_CREATE_DB NO true does JMXTrans create the Influxdb database if needed
TARGET_INFLUXDB_RETENTION_POLICY NO autogen the Influxdb rentention policy name to use
JMXTRANS_POOLING_FREQUENCY NO 30 the JMXTrans pooling frequency in seconds

Collected metrics

Influxdb Measurement MBeans
jvm_gc java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=*
jvm_memory_heap java.lang:type=Memory
jvm_memory_pool java.lang:name=*,type=MemoryPool
jvm_system java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
jvm_threads java.lang:type=Threading
exo_caches exo:portal=,service=cache,name=
exo_infinispan_idm org.infinispan.plidm:type=Cache,name=,manager=,component=Statistics
exo_infinispan_idm_channel org.infinispan.plidm:type=channel,cluster=*
exo_infinispan_idm_protocol org.infinispan.plidm:type=protocol,cluster=*,protocol=TCP
exo_infinispan_idm_rpc org.infinispan.plidm:type=Cache,name=,manager=,component=RpcManager
exo_infinispan_jcr jcr.ispn.cache:type=Cache,name=,manager=,component=Statistics
exo_infinispan_jcr_channel jcr.ispn.cache:type=channel,cluster=*
exo_infinispan_jcr_protocol jcr.ispn.cache:type=protocol,cluster=*,protocol=TCP
exo_infinispan_jcr_rpc jcr.ispn.cache:type=Cache,name=,manager=,component=RpcManager
exo_infinispan_services services.ispn.cache:type=Cache,name=,manager=,component=Statistics
exo_infinispan_services_channel services.ispn.cache:type=channel,cluster=*
exo_infinispan_services_protocol services.ispn.cache:type=protocol,cluster=*,protocol=TCP
exo_infinispan_services_rpc services.ispn.cache:type=Cache,name=,manager=,component=RpcManager
exo_jcr_cache exo:portal=,repository=,workspace=,service=Cache
exo_jcr_session_registry exo:portal=,repository=,service=SessionRegistry
tomcat_datasources Catalina:type=DataSource,class=javax.sql.DataSource,name="*"
tomcat_request_processor Catalina:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=*
tomcat_http_sessions Catalina:type=Manager,context=/,host=
tomcat_threadpools Catalina:type=ThreadPool,name=*


A docker-compose file is provided to test a full monitoring stack with eXo Platform Community edition

docker-compose -f test/docker-compose.yml -p jmx up -d