Material ripple effects directive for AngularJS, Inspired by Angular Material Design , this implementation contains the ripple animation for buttons and links
- AngularJs
You can also use jQuery version
$ npm install ng-ripple
or Bower
$ bower install ngRipple
Various examples:
Create directive with Element:
or with Class:
<a href="#" class="ripple"></ripple>
or with Attibute:
<a href="#" data-ripple></ripple>
<a href="#" ripple></ripple>
Add material button with box-shadow:
<ripple class="r-raised"></ripple>
Icon element:
<ripple class="r-icon"></ripple>
Fab element:
<ripple class="r-round r-raised"></ripple>
Disabled ripple
<ripple r-disabled></ripple>
or Disabled active
<ripple clas="r-int-disabled"></ripple>
or Disabled all element:
<ripple class="disabled"></ripple>
Custom light color
<ripple r-light></ripple>
Custom ripple color
<ripple r-color="#f00"></ripple>
Custom ripple opacity
<ripple r-opacity=".2"></ripple>
Ripple in-front (overink)
<ripple class="r-overink"></ripple>
Prevent ink for specific element and children
<div class="r-noink">
I hate ink
I love ink
Prevent ink with specific class
<div class="selected" r-prevent=".selected"></div>
Ripple on click (only child element)
<div class="r-noink-hover"></div>
</ripple>['rippleConfig', function(rippleConfig){
rippleConfig.rippleOpacity = .2;
rippleConfig.rippleDelay = 100;
rippleConfig.mobileTouch = false; // False (default): Mobile use ONLY click || True: mobile use touchstart and touchend
Ripple Opacity (rippleOpacity):
For all element
Ripple Incremental (rippleDelay):
This is the delay of exit animation of ink
Version 1.0.2:
Fix duplication ng-* directive
Version 1.0.1:
Fix and new options
Version 1.0.0:
Fix standalone, recreate ripple effects
Version 0.9.6:
Fix for Safari and Chrome 51 (Animation Bug)
Version 0.9.5:
Re-created animation of ink and general fix
Version 0.9.4:
Added r-overink for big element, added r-noink (prevent ink generation when you click a specific element)
Version 0.9.3:
Fix overflow ink problem
Version 0.9.1:
Fix disabled option.
Version 0.9.0:
Add standalone version.
Version 0.5.1:
Add Fab option.