- 1
Output possible types of interfaces
#98 opened by sitepark-veltrup - 1
Support for extends
#37 opened by orefalo - 1
Support for multiple directives
#99 opened by fmontorsi-equinix - 1
Split queries and mutations big table
#102 opened by fmontorsi-equinix - 1
- 2
Subscription support
#90 opened by AndyEdmonds - 2
support for union types
#38 opened by n1ru4l - 4
bug affecting unions
#71 opened by scallion5765 - 0
Missing <tr> tag in Enums tables
#100 opened by InesAguas - 5
Prettier: Sync codebase with prettier config?
#62 opened by tony - 2
Loading schema fails with graphql v16+
#86 opened by nextdude-mdsol - 1
Error: Unknown directive "@entity"
#79 opened by pandichef - 5
Schema with multiple files
#77 opened by wagnerlduarte - 1
howto add new language module
#59 opened by alysonfs - 2
Is this project being updated anymore?
#57 opened by jaygurnani - 3
Propper Tests
#28 opened by adamisntdead - 0
TODO: Mutation support
#1 opened by exogen - 3
- 0
Version 10 of node.js has been released
#23 opened by greenkeeper - 0
You know what would be cool?
#10 opened by JeffML - 0
Fix <pre> tags and fenced code blocks
#3 opened by exogen