Crowdin i18n jobs statues:
Minimum compatibility :
- Android SDK : 9.0 (Pie)
- Fastlane : 2.135.2
TODO: add doc for local testing
TODO: add doc for build
gradle clean assembleDebug
To build and publish a beta version on Appaloosa private store :
environment variable with the target store idAPPALOOSA_EXO_API_TOKEN
environment variable with a valid Appaloosa api token (needed for binary upload)
Increment the label used to build the badge in ./app/build.gradle
- versionCode 33
+ versionCode 34
- versionName "5.1.x-SNAPSHOT"
+ versionName "5.1.0-RC13"
(optional) Update the label used to build the badge in ./fastlane/Fastfile
- shield: "5.1-M04-blue",
+ shield: "5.1-RC13-blue",
dark: true,
Launch the following command :
fastlane beta
TODO: add doc for feature branch configuration
TODO: add a doc to build and publish an official public version