eXo Platform mobile
Pre-requisites :
- Xcode 13 (Mac OS 11)
- CocoaPod
- Fastlane (for people on charge of release)
To get and install locally the needed Provisioning Profiles you need to execute the command :
fastlane sync_certificates
and give com.exoplatform.mob.eXoPlatformiPHone
as BundleID.
For each release we must update the version
# increase the technical version
xcrun agvtool new-version -all 12
# increase the marketing version (not always needed)
xcrun agvtool new-marketing-version 1.0.0
beta on Appaloosa
To build a beta version of the app and upload it to Appaloosa, execute the following command :
fastlane build_beta_ppr
release on AppStore
To build a official version of the app and upload it to the AppStore, execute the following commands :
fastlane build_appstore