Welcome to GateIn: =========================== This will explain you how to build a package of GateIn with Tomcat or JBoss. ***************** * COMPILATION ***************** * mvn install For example: mvn install Note: If you run "mvn install" twice in a row without cleaning, one test will fail. To workaround this issue you will need to delete the test data located here: component/portal/target/temp/ ********************** * MAVEN CONFIGURATION: ********************** * edit packaging/profiles.xml and replace the values mentioned so that: * ${exo.projects.directory.dependencies} directory contains : ** ${exo.projects.app.tomcat.version}/ a clean Tomcat installation, to be used as packaging template ** ${exo.projects.app.jboss.version}/ a clean JBoss installation, to be used as packaging template * See http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html for more informations Alternatively you can edit your local settings.xml to add the information provided in profiles.xml. It will override what's in the provided file. ***************** * PACKAGING: ***************** * mvn install -Ppkg-tomcat ** Creates a Tomcat delivery in packaging/pkg/target/tomcat/ * mvn install -Ppkg-jbossas ** Creates a JBossAS delivery in packaging/pkg/target/jboss/ ***************** * DOCUMENTATIONS: ***************** Per default GateIn documentations are generated in the build process. To deactivate them either add -DskipDocs or -P-docs in the command line. ***************** * STARTING: ***************** * On Tomcat: go to the tomcat directory (or unzip the archive in your favorite location) and execute 'bin/gatein.sh start' ('bin/gatein.bat start' on Windows) * On JBoss: go to the jboss directory (or unzip the archive in your favorite location) and execute 'bin/run.sh start' ('bin/run.bat start' on Windows) * Go to http://localhost:8080/portal to see the homepage of the portal. That's it.