Accept the license agreement with Firefox (default)
# start a PLF instance
$ ./
$ mvn test -Dtest=UITest#acceptAgreement
Do not register software with Firefox (default)
# start a PLF instance
$ ./
$ mvn test -Dtest=UITest#doNotRegisterSoftware
If the license agreement has been accepted and the register software feature skipped, then you can test the login UI.
Test the login box with Firefox (default)
# start a PLF instance
$ ./
$ mvn test -Dtest=UITest#login
Test the login box with Chrome
# start a PLF instance
$ ./
$ mvn test -Dtest=UITest#login -Dselenide.browser=chrome<path to chrome driver>
URL to download the ChromeDriver |
If you want to run PLF and Selenium Grid externally to be able to run test from your IDE:
# start a PLF instance $ docker run --name=exo-plf -p 8080:8080 exoplatform/exo-community:4.4 # Start Selenium Grid $ docker-compose -f plf-ui-automation-test-commons/src/main/docker/docker-compose-selenium.yml up