react component for qrcode login with Server-Sent Event

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a qrcode component for Server-Sent Event.


The package can be installed via NPM:

npm install sseqrcode --save

Basic Concept

SSE: Using server-sent events on MDN.

                +-------+                  +---------+                         +---------+
                | user  |                  | browser |                         | server  |
                +-------+                  +---------+                         +---------+
                    |                           |                                   |
                    |                           | request login                     |
                    |                           |---------------------------------->|
                    |                ---------\ |                                   |
                    |                | onInit |-|                                   |
                    |                |--------| |                                   |
                    |                           |                                   |
                    |                           |        send('qrcode', base64/url) |
                    |                           |<----------------------------------|
                    |              -----------\ |                                   |
                    |              | onQrcode |-|                                   |
                    |              |----------| |                                   |
                    |                           |                                   |
                    |      present QRCode image |                                   |
                    |<--------------------------|                                   |
                    |                           |                                   |
                    |                           |        send('pending', 'pending') |
                    |                           |<----------------------------------|
                    |             ------------\ |                                   |
                    |             | onPending |-|                                   |
                    |             |-----------| |                                   |
------------------\ |                           |                                   |
| scan the QRCode |-|                           |                                   |
|-----------------| |                           |                                   |
                    |                           |                                   |
                    | access the login url      |                                   |
                    |                           |                                   |
                    |                           |      send('scanned', 'logged in') |
                    |                           |<----------------------------------|
                    |             ------------\ |                                   |
                    |             | onScanned |-|                                   |
                    |             |-----------| |                                   |
                    |                           |                                   |


import React from 'react'
import { SSEQRCode } from 'SSEQRCode'

class App extends React.Component {
  handleScan = ret => {
    alert(`Logged in as ${ret}`)

  render() {
    return (
          onScanned={this.handleScan} />


prop type required description
sseSource EventSource when sseURL is null provided EventSource
sseURL string when sseSource is null URL of the source
width number or string width property on img tag, default 200
height number or string height property on img tag, default 200
keepAlive boolean whether to close connection after qrcodeEvent was received, default false
errorEvent string name of error event, default 'error'
pendingEvent string name of pending event, default 'pending'
scannedEvent string name of scanned event, default 'scanned'
qrcodeEvent string name of qrcode event, default 'qrcode'
onInit Function will be called when EventSource is opened
onQrcode Function will be called when qrcodeEvent received
onPending Function will be called when pendingEvent received
onScanned Function will be called when scannedEvent received
onError Function will be called when errorEvent received or error occurred
onQRCodeLoaded Function will be called when QRCode image is loaded


function onQrcode(data)


  • data - string the received message from server, should be base64 or URL of QRCode image


function onPending(data)


  • data - string the received message from server


function onScanned(data)


  • data - string the received message from server, can be used for notification


function onError(data)


  • data - string the received message from server or the error message


function onQRCodeLoaded()

you can use this prop to control loading indicator.

For example,

class Spin extends React.component {
  state = {
    loading: true,

  handleLoaded = () => {
    this.setState({ loading: false })

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{ border: `1px solid ${this.state.loading ? 'grey' : 'red'}` }}>
          onQRCodeLoaded={this.handleLoaded} />