
Datasource that sends generic http requests to give url

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Grafana HTTP JSON Datasource - a generic backend datasource

This is a generic http json data source. It is based on the official simple json datasource plugin by grafana labs. All features are also submitted as PR to the official plugin.

Your backend needs to implement 4 urls:

  • / should return 200 ok. Used for "Test connection" on the datasource config page.
  • /search used by the find metric options on the query tab in panels.
  • /query should return metrics based on input.
  • /annotations should return annotations.
  • /tag-keys should return tag keys for ad hoc filters.
  • /tag-values should return tag values for ad hoc filters.


To install this plugin using the grafana-cli tool:

sudo grafana-cli plugins install exozet-http-json-datasource
sudo service grafana-server restart

See here for more information.

If you want to install the latest version from github, run:

sudo grafana-cli --pluginUrl https://github.com/exozet/grafana-http-json-datasource/archive/master.zip plugins install exozet-http-json-datasource 
sudo service grafana-server restart

Example backend implementations

Query API

Example timeserie request

  "panelId": 1,
  "range": {
    "from": "2016-10-31T06:33:44.866Z",
    "to": "2016-10-31T12:33:44.866Z",
    "raw": {
      "from": "now-6h",
      "to": "now"
  "rangeRaw": {
    "from": "now-6h",
    "to": "now"
  "interval": "30s",
  "intervalMs": 30000,
  "targets": [
     { "target": "upper_50", "refId": "A", "type": "timeserie" },
     { "target": "upper_75", "refId": "B", "type": "timeserie" }
  "adhocFilters": [
    "key": "City"
    "operator": "=",
    "value": "Berlin"
  "format": "json",
  "maxDataPoints": 550

Example timeserie response

    "target":"upper_75", // The field being queried for
      [622,1450754160000],  // Metric value as a float , unixtimestamp in milliseconds

If the metric selected is "type": "table", an example table response:


Annotation API

The annotation request to the backend is a POST request to the /annotations endpoint in your datasource. The JSON request body looks like this:

  "range": {
    "from": "2016-04-15T13:44:39.070Z",
    "to": "2016-04-15T14:44:39.070Z"
  "rangeRaw": {
    "from": "now-1h",
    "to": "now"
  "annotation": {
    "name": "deploy",
    "datasource": "HTTP JSON Datasource",
    "iconColor": "rgba(255, 96, 96, 1)",
    "enable": true,
    "query": "#deploy"

Grafana expects a response containing an array of annotation objects in the following format:

    annotation: annotation, // The original annotation sent from Grafana.
    time: time, // Time since UNIX Epoch in milliseconds. (required)
    title: title, // The title for the annotation tooltip. (required)
    tags: tags, // Tags for the annotation. (optional)
    text: text // Text for the annotation. (optional)

Note: If the datasource is configured to connect directly to the backend, you also need to implement an OPTIONS endpoint at /annotations that responds with the correct CORS headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Headers:accept, content-type

Search API

Example request

{ target: 'upper_50' }

The search api can either return an array or map.

Example array response


Example map response

[ { "text" :"upper_25", "value": 1}, { "text" :"upper_75", "value": 2} ]

Tag Keys API

Example request

{ }

The tag keys api returns:


Tag Values API

Example request

{"key": "City"}

The tag values api returns:

    {'text': 'Eins!'},
    {'text': 'Zwei'},
    {'text': 'Drei!'}

Dev setup

This plugin requires node 6.10.0

npm install -g yarn yarn install npm run build



  • added tag-keys + tag-values api
  • added adHocFilters parameter to query body
  • initial fork from official simple json datasource

If using Grafana 2.6

NOTE! for grafana 2.6 please use this version of the official simple-json-datasource plugin.

Copy the data source you want to /public/app/plugins/datasource/. Then restart grafana-server. The new data source should now be available in the data source type dropdown in the Add Data Source View.