
An R swirl course on how to create maps with leaflet

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An R swirl course on how to create maps with leaflet

About this course

This course will teach you how to create maps with R leaflet. If you find mistakes, have suggestions, lesson requests or any other type of feedback send me an email to verena@haunschmid.name. My blog with other R howtos and other things I do in data science can be found at http://blog.haunschmid.name.

I planned the lectures in the following order but it's up to you. If you've never used R leaflet I recommend starting with Lesson 1. If you've never used R before or are interested in other courses, also check out (https://github.com/swirldev/swirl_courses). They provide you with beginner and advanced courses.

Lesson 1 - Basic Map

Lesson content: Basic usage of leaflet(), addTiles(), addMarkers(), setView() and the pipe operator %>%.

Installation + First steps

Use the following code to install swirl and my course Maps_With_R_Leaflet.

install.packages("swirl") # installs swirl
install_course_github("expectopatronum", "Maps_With_R_Leaflet")


Use the following code to get started.

swirl() # starts the swirl environment
... # Enter your name, ...

At the prompt

| Please choose a course, or type 0 to exit swirl.
1: Maps With R Leaflet
2: Take me to the swirl course repository!

Pick my course and have fun!

Data from Austrian municipalities

http://iam.at/austria/Österreich.zip (downloaded February 2016)


If your run into any problems because of the german letters ä, ö, ü, please tell me! I am running RStudio with the locale "en_GB.UTF-8" and it runs without problems. To change your locale, you can use:

Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", 'en_GB.UTF-8') # Instead of LC_ALL 

For details check:
