
Experian's JavaScript library for Data Quality.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Experian Pegasus

Experian's JavaScript library for Data Quality.


To use the package, source the hosted version of our package like so:

<script type="text/javascript" href="https://edqprofservus.blob.core.windows.net/assets/production/edq.js"></script>

In addition, you will want to have a configuration file sourced like so (below is an example for our address offerring) :

      window.EdqConfig = {
        DEBUG: false,

        /** Authorization tokens **/

        /* Address */
        PRO_WEB_AUTH_TOKEN: "auth-token-here",
        GLOBAL_INTUITIVE_AUTH_TOKEN: "auth-token-here",

Finally, the last thing to note is that when you call one of the functions on the EDQ object (as referenced in the documentation below), the callback has two parameters, data, and error. For any callback only one will be populated. data in cases where the HTTP response returned valid xml or json, and error for any other situation. error will contain the error information as contained in the XMLHttpRequest object.

Documentation Site
