Get PHP running on AWS Lamdba with just a few clicks!
The AWS Cloudformation template I created allows you to easy compile PHP for AWS Lambda in a matter of minutes
To run PHP on AWS Lambda you can simply send the php binaries along with your source code when you create a Lambda function. You will of course need to compile PHP to run on the Lambda environment. Fortunately AWS tell us which AIM we can use to compile PHP which will be compatible with Lambda.
This project was inspired by this article from AWS
Install aws cli tool
aws configure
create a SSH key in AWS (In same region as the new EC2 instance about to be created)
run Cloudformation
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template.json --stack-name stackname --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides KeyName=test
Wait several minutes for the compile to complete and the file to end up in the S3 bucket
destroy the Cloudformation stack
I decided to use Cloudformation to simply the process of spinning up an appropriate AIM EC2 to compile PHP.
I attached a SSD volume to the EC2 instance and used it as swap
space, allowing even the free tier t2.micro
instance to compile fairly quickly.
Its possible to compile and remain within the AWS free tier.
Lambda supports many great language natively, but there are still are few circumstances when you might want to run PHP on Lambda. You might want to take advantage of a library which has no suitable equivalent in other languages. Or you might have a existing PHP Application, or PHP talent in your team that might benefit from AWS Lambda.
- Limit the S3 policy to specific bucket
- Regions and availability zones are hard coded.
- Generate a Pre-signed S3 link to user can download the compiled binaries more easily
- Print pre-signed S3 link back to the user
- Cloudformation reports as complete but compiling and other processes have not finished
- Print command back to user to destroy stack