
Magit plugin for dealing with GitHub pull requests

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


magit-gh-pulls is a Magit extension that allows you to conveniently manipulate Github’s pull requests from Emacs.


magit-gh-pulls is available on MELPA. To install it do the following:

M-x package-install RET magit-gh-pulls RET

Now that the package is installed you have to put the following code to your init.el:

(require 'magit-gh-pulls)
(add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'turn-on-magit-gh-pulls)


In magit-status window press # g g to refresh the list of pull requests. magit-gh-pulls automatically infers credentials from the URL of the repository. If there are some PRs available, a new section will appear called Pull Requests. Each item in this section has the following form:

[pull-request-number@branch-name] Pull request name

Highlighting the desired PR and pressing # g f will fetch the commits associated with the PR. These are the real commits that you can view, apply, cherry-pick etc.

From this point magit-gh-pulls offers you two options:

  • press # g b on the PR to create a topic branch for this PR. After testing the PR you can merge it back into your branch using Magit.
  • press # g m to merge the PR on top of the currently checked out branch. This is convenient if pull request can be merged by fast-forwarding and no testing is needed (or you can test from your branch directly). A nice benefit of this approach over merging from Github interface is that in case of FF no merge commit is produced, so history stays nice and linear.


Copyright © 2011-2014 Yann Hodique, Alexander Yakushev and contributors. Distributed under the GNU General Public License ver. 2. See the header of the source file.