Hosting Reseller
This is a nodejs DigitalOcean hosting reseller application. It's primarily for development at the moment, though it's a good demonstration of what can be achieved utilizing DigitalOcean's API.
- Create/view a droplet with any digitalocean image, size, region
- Basic Domain Management
- mongo
- npm
- nodejs
- bower
- nodemon
Manual Install
git clone
cd hosting-reseller
sudo npm install bower nodemon -g
npm install
bower install
npm run start
Access at http://localhost:3000
- Register an account, the first account registered will have admin access.
- Login, go to the "Account" drop down in the top right, select "Administration".
- Select Preferences -> DigitalOcean from the left hand side, to enter and save your API Key. Once successful, all digitalocean images, regions, sizes will be synced to your mongodb.
- You may also wish to change the brand name, tagline, and copyright. Do this from the same admin panel, select Preferences-> site
Compile/watch sass and js files
npm run watch-css
hosting-reseller is available under the Apache 2.0 License.
All contributions will be placed under the same Apache 2.0 license, contributers must agree to that license. For more information see contributing.
Grant Hutchinson (hutchgrant)