
Parse expressions in XPath or XQuery into XML trees using REx generated parsers

Primary LanguageXQueryApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Parses text into syntax trees based using a parser selected from a set of built-in parsers.
The REx parser generator was used to generate the parsers. This release uses the -basex option of REx to generate Java for BaseX.

It can be used to implement the EXPath xparse proposal .


This release requires BaseX 8.6+. This is a result of XQuery spec changes to map:merge


import module namespace xp="expkg-zone58:text.parse";
xp:parse("2+3",map{"lang":"xquery","version":"3.1 basex"}) 

The second argument provides options to control the parsing of the text from the first argument.


Option Type--- Values Default Notes
lang xs:string XPath, XQuery XPath The language to be parsed
version xs:string ""
flatten xs:boolean true() Flatten the parse tree

The selected parser is chosen from the list in parser.xml. where the lang matches and version starts-with. see xp:parser($opts)

flatten skips elements with only one child element and no text.

Available parsers

 <parsers xmlns="expkg-zone58:text.parse">
  <!-- available languages and versions with REx parser implementation options. 
    add "-tree -java -basex" -->

  <parser lang="xpath">
    <version version="3.0" ebnf="xpath-30" sym="XPath" />
    <version version="3.1" ebnf="xpath-31" sym="XPath" />

  <parser lang="xquery">
    <version version="3.1 basex-2022-10-06" ebnf="BaseX" sym="XQuery"
      options="-ll 2 -backtrack " >For BaseX 9 includes XQuery update and full-text. Does not include http://docs.basex.org/wiki/XQuery_Extensions#Expressions</version>
    <version version="3.1" ebnf="xquery-31" sym="XQuery" /> 
    <version version="3.0" ebnf="xquery-30" sym="XQuery" />

    <version version="1.0" ebnf="xquery-10" sym="XQuery" />

    <version version="3.0 ML" ebnf="XQueryML30" sym="XQuery"
      options="-backtrack" />

  <parser lang="xqdoc-comments">
    <version version="20160405" ebnf="XQDocComments" sym="Comments" />

  <parser lang="ecmascript">
    <version version="5" ebnf="EcmaScript" sym="Program"
      options="-ll 1 -backtrack -asi" />
  <parser lang="rex">
        <version version="5.49" ebnf="REx" sym="Grammar" />



import module namespace xp="expkg-zone58:text.parse";



With options

import module namespace xp="expkg-zone58:text.parse";





import module namespace xp="expkg-zone58:text.parse";


import module namespace xp="expkg-zone58:text.parse";


<ERROR b="4" e="4" s="158">lexical analysis failed
while expecting [S, EOF, '!', '!=', '#', '(', '(:', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '/', '//', ';', '&lt;', '&lt;&lt;', '&lt;=', '=', '&gt;', '&gt;=', '&gt;&gt;', '[', ']', 'and', 'ascending', 'case', 'cast', 'castable', 'collation', 'count', 'default', 'descending', 'div', 'else', 'empty', 'end', 'eq', 'except', 'for', 'ge', 'group', 'gt', 'idiv', 'instance', 'intersect', 'is', 'le', 'let', 'lt', 'mod', 'ne', 'only', 'or', 'order', 'return', 'satisfies', 'stable', 'start', 'to', 'treat', 'union', 'where', '|', '||', '}']
at line 1, column 4:


Add a new ebnf

  1. create ebnf in content/ebnf
  2. add entry in parsers.xml

after update to ebnf

  1. run tools/rex.xq to create java files in src/java for all ebnfs referenced in parsers.xml
  2. run tools/makejar.xq to create jars in src/java
  3. copy jars to main/content
  4. increment version in main/expath-pkg.xml
  5. run tools/build.xq


  • versions before 0.5 used the namespace http://expath.org/ns/xparse