This repo implements a Stable Diffusion model in PyTorch with all the essential components.
- ak5055
- antoniocreal
- arun-reddy-a
- binhaim
- BrudalaxeLondon, United Kingdom
- camerondhhs
- CatLoves
- chenchen2015Apple Inc., Previously @MacIver-Lab Northwestern University
- Coderx7IRAN
- ColinWine
- ControllableGeneration
- Cuiyingzhe
- DavidKo3Daejeon
- elijah-coding-dog
- exponentialXP
- Gaurav17Joshi
- ilin12work
- JoeHuang99
- john-winnicki
- johndpopeSydney
- kgh6784Seoul National University Hosipital
- kimsunghun00
- kuragurass
- Laviniaqywang
- lubobill1990@Microsoft
- phamvanlinh143Viettel AI
- QI-OSUBeijing
- QiyuanY
- Rem202
- sartq333
- shivaiisc
- Steverick
- suhailkam
- Tianyu9748Pittsburgh
- ToniVacaESATEscuela Superior de Arte y TecnologĂa - ESAT
- Yoonho-NaSeoul