
Quickly bundle, containerize and deploy JavaScript and TypeScript server-side projects

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Quickly bundle, containerize and deploy JavaScript and TypeScript server-side projects

ship-es enables you to quickly build your node.js code and deploy it as a tiny docker image, all with a single command and no required configuration. Great for anything from Webservers to Chatbots.


ship-es works without any configuration by default.

# create new node.js project
$ pnpm init && pnpm i -D ship-es

# write code
$ echo "console.log('hello world')" > index.ts

# run your project locally
$ pnpx ship-es dev ./index.ts

# push your code to a container registry (in this case docker.io)
$ pnpx ship-es ship ./index.ts explodingcamera/myproject

using pnpm is reccommended. You can substiture this for your package manager of choice, e.g npm or yarn

Below, we've provided a simple GitHub Workflow file to automatically build new commits pushed to your main branch and push them as a container to GitHub's Container Registry.


Ship-es doesn't depend on any platform specific code. Just either docker, podman or nerdctl needs to be installed.

GitHub Actions


name: Deploy

# We want this to run on all commits to `main`
      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Install node.js
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: "17"

      # Install pnpm, our recommended package manager (will increase speed by a lot)
      - uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2.1.0
          version: 6.0.2

      # Authenticate with container registry
      - uses: docker/login-action@v1
          registry: ghcr.io
          username: ${{ github.actor }}
          password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      # Build & push container image
      - name: Deploy
        run: |
          pnpm install
          pnpx ship-es ./index.ts ghcr.io/username/project --push


To customize your deployment there are variety of options:

  • --push Push the image to your container registry after building it

  • versioning
    When using these flags, ship-es will by default use the version number you provide in the package.json file located in your current working directory.

    • --tag: Override Tag, can be used multiple times
    • --release Tag with stable, x.x.x, x.x and x (based on your package.json)
    • --verison: Override version used by release

  • bundling

    • --external: By default, ship-es bundles all of your packages into a single file to minimize their filesize and impove compatibility and start-up-performance. This might lead to issues with packages that access external files or depend on native code. To use these, add them using the --external flag (can be specfied multiple times and supports glob patterns). Only packages marked as external will be included in your generated image!
    • --static: To include specific folders in the final build (like a public/ folder with static assets), add these using --static ./public.


ship-es was build to also be used programatically by other projects as a base. Documentation on this will follow soon.

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Tools used by ship-es

ship-es is not build to be a catch-all solution for complex deployment pipelines, rather it is a simple starting point and alternative to the huge amount of boilerplate code required to deploy a simple project. Below are the libraries ship-es uses internally that you could also use to build more complex setups:

  • kaniko - A userspace Dockerfile build-tool
  • esbuild - A JavaScript/Typescipt bundler/minifier written in Go