Perl script to test the reliability of a list of open web proxies.
The script takes in a text file list of IPAddress:Port of open web proxies to test (1 per line). It then attempts to crawl to the following URL through each target proxy:
If it receives a 200 OK within a 6 second timeout and the text 'everybody2daLim1t' is found on the returned page (showing that the proxy isn't posting a login prompt, error message, or altering the content), then it is considered a reliable open web proxy.
Strong Bad Emails: Everybody to the Limit - YouTube
This is basically the same method that is used by the SearchDiggity tool to validate the GOOD/BAD reliability of a list of open web proxies to use. For more info on SearchDiggity, see:
Note: Testing of the script was used with ActiveState Perl:
See below example of script running against a list of open web proxies sent to us via our subscription.
Bishop Fox - Google Hacking Diggity Project:
Open Proxy Lists:
-":8080" +":3128" +":80" filetype:txt
Other Proxy Checker Tools: