Find a Debian or Ubuntu box with root on a clean public IP and run:
apt update \
&& apt -y install nano dnsutils curl git sudo \
&& curl -fsSL | sh || apt -y install \
&& git clone \
&& cd ~/netflix-proxy \
&& ./
Reset password
cd ~/netflix-proxy/auth
/bin/bash -c '. /root/netflix-proxy/venv/bin/activate && ./'
service netflix-proxy-admin restart
docker restart sniproxy
Create new account
cd ~/netflix-proxy/auth
/bin/bash -c '. /root/netflix-proxy/venv/bin/activate && ./'
# Please enter a username: user
# Please enter a password:
# Expiry date? (YYYY-MM-DD): 2039-01-01
# Please specify access group (0=user 1=admin): 0
service netflix-proxy-admin restart
docker restart sniproxy